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Sep 9th 2018
#RubyBridges was the subject of this iconic painting by #NormanRockwell, "The Problem We All Live With," which memorialized her integrating the William Franz elementary school in New Orleans.

She turned 64 Saturday.

That's how close we are to #JimCrow.
#RubyBridges was six when US Marshals flanked her as she became the first black child to enter the all-white school.


Like Christopher Robin in House at Pooh Corner, if you need perspective on how small six is.

Today she is 64.

What a hero.
My parents were Civil Rights workers. My father was a Freedom Rider.

What #RubyBridges did seems so long ago, but she is nearly a decade younger than POTUS and because of Trump, #racism is nearly as central an issue as it was when Bridges made history.

We cannot go back.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 2nd 2018
Though officials backed down and didn't go through with a proposal to close 7 out of the 9 polling places in the majority Black #RandolphCounty, I warned you not to celebrate victory against #JimCrow poll closures in #Georgia.…
"County election officials have closed 214 precincts across the state since 2012," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. "That figure means nearly 8 percent of the state’s polling places... have shut their doors over the past six years."… #Georgia
I reported on these poll closures in #Georgia for @DemocracyNow in 2017. Glad to see the AJC is finally catching up!…
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May 14th 2018
The American voting system is busted. Shattered. They’re trying to take away your vote by saying you’re not a citizen, by saying you voted in another state, by giving you provisional ballots for some cockamamie reason, by purging you from the voter rolls
These obstacles are put in the way of mostly voters of color — that’s the real issue. We have an apartheid election system in the US. And I’m very concerned that some groups and politicians talk about #VoteSuppression but avoid the issue of race.…
Q: Do you think that's out of fear, obliviousness, or something more sinister?

A: The Democratic Party was the party of #JimCrow. It’s in its DNA. If everyone got to vote, the party’s elite would be out on its ass — right, Bernie?…

Read 16 tweets
Nov 29th 2017
Vote “#Caging” Gets legal? RNC Asks Court To Lift Consent Decree That Blocked #JimCrow Voter Purge Scam… #VoterSuppression #ElectionFraud #Resist
Here’s an excerpt from a memo filed on November 5th, 2016 by the presiding US District Judge, John Michael Vazquez, which provides some background on the case… #Resist #Caging #VoterSuppression #ElectionFraud
The Decree was modified and extended twice, in 1987 and 2009, but it's set to expire on December 17, 2017 — unless, as per Vazquez’s memo, “the DNC proved in the interim that the RNC violated the Decree, in which case the Decree would be extended an additional eight years.”
Read 7 tweets
Aug 4th 2017
#Trump was not elected president because he did not win the electoral vote via @RealTimBlack #TimBlackShow #Resist
#Trump used the same trick as George W did in Florida. By removing voters of color in 28 states, Trump supposedly won the electoral college.
#Trump is not our legitimate president, rather he's the Commander-in-Thief! via @RealTimBlack #TimBlackShow #Resist
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