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Misfit | Not on gov time or tax payers $. As of November 19th 2022, I am Still blocked by Donald J Trump, since 2018. salty asshole

Sep 7, 2018, 11 tweets

Look who is back and he has a message for you today #ObamaSpeech

You can watch the speech live here

On snap he just mentioned trump. #ObamaSpeech #urbana

.@BarackObama just reminded everyone that the ROARING economy trump is bragging about is just an continuation of his work.

He is blasting the republicans in this segment

.@BarackObama about the internal White House resistance op ed thing

.@BarackObama about republicans cozying up to Russia. “What happened?”

This segment about freedom of the press and nazis

How hard can it be to say no to nazis..

#ObamaSpeaks we need more women in charge

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