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Sep 12, 2018, 10 tweets

OK! Here's Part 3 of the Art-Eater Sekiro Premier Trailer Analysis! Tonight we'll dip our toes in Japanese bows, samurai helmet crests, and ancient Indian tridents!
#Sekiro #SekiroShadowsDieTwice #隻狼

In case you missed them, here's Part 1 (on Boddhisatvas and mourning the death of the Buddha):

and Part 2 (on Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix series):

OK! Back to Sekiro! Wow, we’re only 10 seconds into the trailer! SO MUCH TO DIGEST! Alright, next we meet this child.
#Sekiro #SekiroShadowsDieTwice #隻狼

She’s introduced reading a book, so she’s well educated, maybe from a notable family. She is very calm, but her eyes show just a slight hint of intense emotion as they subtly widen towards the end of the shot. It's done so well!
#Sekiro #SekiroShadowsDieTwice #隻狼

We then go into a flashback. Sekiro and the girl stand together in a field under the light of the full moon (a classic sight in From Software games). In the distance stands a lone samurai. He will soon have a classic duel with our ninja hero.
#Sekiro #SekiroShadowsDieTwice #隻狼

The young girl is impressively calm as she steps away from the oncoming carnage. Her posture is very matter of fact! She's either very sheltered or has great faith in Sekiro. Maybe both! It's likely that she isn't his sidekick so much as he is her servant/protector
#Sekiro #隻狼

The Samurai is definitely high ranking and upper class. He sports an impressive array of equipment including a helmet adorned with a very showy maedate (まえだて). He is a boss for sure.
#Sekiro #SekiroShadowsDieTwice #隻狼

This particular maedate is in the shape of a trishula, an ancient Indian trident used prolifically in Vedic and Buddhist art. It has an incredibly rich history across many different cultures.
#Sekiro #SekiroShadowsDieTwice #隻狼 #Buddhist #Art

He is also sporting a massive asymmetric bow. These qualities are actually very much in line with real life Japanese archery traditions!
#Sekiro #SekiroShadowsDieTwice #隻狼

That's it for tonight! Next time we're going to go deeper into the connection between Sekiro and the works of Osamu Tezuka! There's a lot more to explore there! Stay tuned!

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