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Sep 13, 2018, 15 tweets

Is this your official comment, @Google? Do you have a comment on the content/questions (in thread) below?

Q's for @Google @GoogleDevExpert
Can you confirm that Mikey Dickerson and Todd Y. Park routed election data through the White House during the Obama administration?
Is this system still functional?
Who operates and/or operated this US Digital Service? VJarrett?

Wikileaks release: June 29th, 2014 - 'Urgent Call' from Robby Mook to John #Podesta

"According to #Google internal documents, 18F has 'informal ties to USDS' [U.S. Digital Service]." "18F targeted various federal agencies, most notably the Federal Election Commission (FEC)."
#FEC #18f

Q's cont'd...
Was the Eric Schmidt project, aka the US Digital Service, considered a campaign contribution?
Why did Schmidt abruptly resign after Trump won the presidency?
Did Google conspire with Facebook to develop/program Hillary's 'Template for Winning Elections'?

#Google What is Eric Schmidt's current project?

@SaraCarterDC Is this how the Obama administration spied on Trump's campaign without certain protocols being followed? I.e., no "FISC" hearings, etc?

Does this thread help contextualize why the #Leaked vid from #Google is a bigger story than the MSM would like you to believe? Sound off and #RT please.
#Election #Fraud

Original source:

Eric Schmidt Notes:

"Notes for a Democratic Campaign"

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