Subhadip Nandy Profile picture
AVWAP Navigator : Options Mastery :

Sep 21, 2018, 12 tweets

incredible OI rise in YESBANK of over 22% and all shorters as of now losing money !!!

These are the scalps I am doing, will not lose more than 1.50 on a losing trade, will follow with Sl for 5-8 bucks

Not showing off, just to show how I am using my analysis to trade. No shorting in YESBANK now, major short trap in system

In this volatility , no need to trade large quantity as that can be suicidal . A single contract is enough, can be well managed and gives good money. A single contract has already given me 30k+ since morning

These are all system long trades, will share this method with webinar participants this weekend

ScalperX3 on a roll, caught last three long trades but no signal here

Now will either look at buy > 266 or around 254, provided system signal appears

this is the reason no longs here, STOPLOSS line ( red line) is now above price

The maniacal OI buildup now cooling off, though neither side getting out of positions, expecting congestion here before a next move develops. Stopping scalping YESBANK for next 15 mins

Looks like some more shorts being lured into YESBANK fut. Will buy > 259 SL 257.45 #scalping

OI now at day-high

OI continues to get piled ON, whichever side the move now starts should be a ripper. My system suggests longs > 259, will go with the trade

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