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Oct 2, 2018, 6 tweets

Reminder: One of America's Founding Fathers ran a beer brewery, instigated street fights, & took part in brawls

The only "disqualifying temperament" for Supreme Court is being a Leftist Pansy who rules on emotion, not facts & law

Thread w/ Sam Adams' words of wisdom

"Let us remember that if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom."

-Samuel Adams, Founding Father & Beer Enthusiast

aka: If we let Democrats strip away due process through character assassination, we're all doomed

"Machinations & Daring Encroachments": Vile character assassination smear campaigns

"Wicked Ministers": Democrats & their media lackeys


"Tyrannical Democrats twist the plain meaning of words and rely on emotions to trick ignorant fools into supporting them with the promise of delivering the spoils of industry earned by their more productive countrymen "


This one's obvious...Leftists are devoid of logic and controlled by emotion and preventing honest people from determining the most important matters of the republic.

Basically...the redistributionist ideas of today's Socialist Democrats are arbitrary, despotic, and unconstitutional.

So those are some words of wisdom from Sam Adams. Our beer-drinking, brawling Founding Father who makes Kavanaugh look like a choir boy


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