N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Oct 7, 2018, 13 tweets

I realize the #justicekavanaugh confirmation has been a hyper-partisan issue (that by itself is very concerning for a Supreme Court nomination) 4 wks now but why have the #Hamilton68 Russian influencer accounts spent so much oxygen on this? Like #BeersforBrett ?

We looked at our roughly 310 Twitter accnts that we reversed engineered as #Hamilton68 accnts (described at dashboard.securingdemocracy.org) and we created wordclouds 4 various segmented categories of our Hamilton68 accounts over the past wk & highlighted them related 2 Judge #Kavanaugh

The first set we looked was our set of #Hamilton68 accounts that focus on Russian geopolitics. 14658 tweets were analyzed over a period of a week and #kavanaugh was the main hashtag promoted as it related to Judge Kavanaugh

Next we looked was our set of #Hamilton68 accounts that focus on US politics. 62563 tweets were analyzed over a period of a week and numerous #kavanaugh related hashtags were promoted as it related to the #SCOTUS confirmation proceedings for Judge Kavanaugh

Next was our set of #Hamilton68 Bot accnts that use a specific client "A". 4933 tweets were analyzed for the wk. Interestingly with the fully Bot set of accounts the use of hashtags is very rare. Only the phrase anti-kavanaugh occurred related to promoted articles #kavanaugh

Next was our set of #Hamilton68 Bot accnts that use specific client "C". 2269 tweets were analyzed for the wk. This fully automated Bot set of accounts also rarely uses hashtags. Again, only the phrase anti-kavanaugh occurred related to promoted articles #kavanaugh

Next was our set of #Hamilton68 accnts that are related to foreign developed fake news site A. 19387 tweets were analyzed for the wk. Numerous #kavanaugh related hashtags were utilized prominently by these accounts over past wk related 2 the confirmation proceedings 4 new #SCOTUS

Next was our set of #Hamilton68 accnts that are related to foreign developed fake news site B. 5409 tweets were analyzed for the wk. Numerous #kavanaugh related hashtags were utilized prominently by these accounts over past wk related 2 the confirmation proceedings 4 new #SCOTUS

Next was our set of #Hamilton68 accnts that are related to foreign developed fake news site C. 7500 tweets were analyzed for the wk. Numerous #kavanaugh related hashtags were utilized prominently by these accounts over past wk related 2 the confirmation proceedings 4 new #SCOTUS

We have also identified a set of Twitter accnts that are left-leaning in their tweeting but still Russian influencer accnts. We haven't confirmed these as #Hamilton68 although they have many similar characteristics. This is a wordcloud for 3077 tweets over the past wk. #kavanaugh

Lastly we looked at a set of Twitter accounts that we identified as secondary to the original suspended IRA accnts from 2016. This is a wordcloud for 5555 tweets over the past wk. Again numerous #kavanaugh related hashtags were used prominently like #confirmkavanaugh. #SCOTUS

From reviewing all of these wordclouds a few interesting data points from the #Hamilton68 data were noted. The continued focus on Keith Ellison and Minnesota politics, #walkaway and now most recently it appears Heidi Heitkamp is now being added to the mix.

Anyone else notice the hashtag #vaccines in the left-leaning Russian influencer wordcloud? A while back there was alot of press discussing how Putin's propaganda machine has long stoked division around vaccinations and helped elevate the anti-vaxxers.

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