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Oct 9, 2018, 5 tweets

This is my son. He’s a large adult holding an enormous gun. Sometimes he kills elephants for fun. Is he even divorced yet? He thinks he’s the future of the Republican Party. He once dmed with Julian Assange. #HimToo

This is my son. He had five kids but this is not his wife. #himtoo

This is my adult son. He’s okay except if you give him beer and then he tends to get a little allegedly rapey. #HimToo

This is my adult son. He has a flat top and loves Dennis Rodman. He runs the largest concentration camp in the world. He’s afraid to be alone with Donald J Trump and his magic meaningless peace coins and he votes, many many many times. #HIMTOO

This is my adult son. He is a thrice married adulterer. He has five kids with three wives. He recently paid off a porn star. He also cheated on his taxes. He wears an implanted wig. He isn’t afraid to be alone with women because no one believes victims anyway. #himtoo

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