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Center for American Women and Politics: the leading source of scholarly research and current data about American women’s political participation.

Sep 16, 2017, 23 tweets

There’s been a lot written about @hillaryclinton’s new book this week. We want to share a few notes. *thread*

Clinton says American electorate wasn't receptive to a history-making narrative, consistent w/@kdittmar research:…

.@HillaryClinton also says sexism played a role in 2016. We explain how in our #GenderWatch2016 report:

Our #GenderWatch2016 report argues gender/sexism was one piece of the puzzle of #Election2016. Other scholarly research backs this up.

For ex., see @b_schaffner, MacWilliams, & @TatisheNteta findings on relationship bw sexism & voting for Trump…

Or these findings from @ErinCassese & @prof_mirya on ambivalent sexism in the 2016 presidential race…

Scholars at @Blair_Center also find modern sexist beliefs affected voter behavior in the primary & general election…

And @DanCassino found evidence of gender role threat hurting @HillaryClinton as early as the primary season.…

Clinton also cites stereotypical contradictions political women face, reminding us of @PolisciMonica & Bos research…

One persistent stereotype: women aren't tough enough for the job. @pewresearch found some evidence of this in 2014:…

But @HillaryClinton notes the double bind. When political women display toughness, they may be labeled a #NastyWoman.

.@HillaryClinton says she hopes her candidacy may make a woman candidate less unusual.

#ShirleyChisholm in 1972: "I ran for the presidency, despite hopeless odds, to demonstrate sheer will & refusal to accept the status quo."

Changing the status quo requires more women running & winning, @HillaryClinton writes. We agree. See latest #s here:

.@HillaryClinton also writes that #RepresentationMatters in govt. Our new report on women in Congress backs this up:…

And to those who doubt or discount the importance of women's representation, @HillaryClinton says this.

For more on the effects of women's representation, see @b_schaffner & @mia_iris_costa's new research:…

Political women are also role models.@HillaryClinton shares her own & Campbell & @C_Wolbrecht research shows effects…

So we agree, @HillaryClinton. Women's #RepresentationMatters & we've got work to do to normalize women's political leadership.

Check out our @teachagirl page & #ReadytoRun programs for more info on how to increase women's representation.

And our political resource map includes programs & organizations to help women run & win:…

On this thread, we'll leave it to @HillaryClinton for the last word. 💪🙌🏾👇🏿👏

Thanks for the RT, @HadleyFreeman!

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