Ted Corcoran (RedTRaccoon) Profile picture
Disabled Veteran/Advocate Organizing Director- @allontheline @DemRedistrict @RedistrictFdn Prev- @OrgTogetherNC @NCForMike All opinions are my own.

Sep 19, 2017, 7 tweets

I'm a veteran that suffers from PTSD & I rely on metal health services

Stand with me by demanding the Senate to #VoteNo on #GrahamCassidy

This topic is so important to me, it's one of the few times I use a real picture.

Veterans are about 20 percent more likely than nonveterans to kill themselves

How can you help?

Please call your Senators at


Tell them to #VoteNo on

I've been to Senators' offices & I know how powerful these calls are.

Please make your voices heard

Tell them to #VoteNo on #CassidyGraham

I'm glad I'm able to bring attention to PTSD

People struggle with it in their own ways

My challenge is insomnia (you can tell by my feed)

If you think you or someone you love is suffering from PTSD, here is a resource and info on the signs & symptoms.


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