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We build & amplify the voices of women & other marginalized genders. Our work focuses on sexuality, disability & technology.

Nov 24, 2017, 14 tweets

Today begins with a #SexDis workshop in Mumbai on understanding the body with 15 hearing impaired girls @nidsitis @saysnidhigoyal @vsheshco

@nidsitis @saysnidhigoyal @vsheshco Our facilitators introduce the workshop, which will be conducted in sign language. We’re going to include sessions on the body, personal hygiene and HIV

Participants are students aged 15 to 20 at a school for the hearing impaired

They are now being asked to think about the differences between girls and boys

‘Would you be able to talk about these things with boys?’ the facilitator asks. ‘No!’ all the participants say.

Participants discuss their embarrassment with talking about menstruation with men, and how they hide their pads in the corners of their cupboards

A conversation on puberty follows

Participants talk about shame - ‘We feel the need to hide our breasts’

.@nidsitis uses a model to explain the menstrual cycle, with the help of an interpreter

.@nidsitis: ‘If we don’t feel shame when someone gets pregnant, we shouldn’t feel shame that we get our period every month’

Participants are full of questions about the menstrual cycle and pregnancy

Now watching a video created in sign language on child sexual abuse by @CHILDLINE1098. One of the few resources that takes into account children with disabilities

After a session on HIV, we’re wrapping up our workshop with final questions from our participants

And that’s the end of our workshop! We had a lovely morning with our lively and curious participants

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