Charles Gaba ✡️ Profile picture
Healthcare data analysis & snark 🦋

Nov 24, 2017, 19 tweets

WARNING: LONG THREAD w/GRAPHICS AHEAD (updated to focus on end dates): #ACA #Obamacare #GetCovered

ALABAMA: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

ALASKA: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

ARIZONA: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

ARKANSAS: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

CALIFORNIA: You still have until 1/31/18 to #GetCovered, but only have until 12/15/17 for JANUARY coverage! #ACA #Obamacare

COLORADO: You still have until 1/12/18 to #GetCovered, but only have until 12/15/17 for JANUARY coverage! #ACA #Obamacare

CONNECTICUT: You only have until 12/22/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

DELAWARE: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: You still have until 1/31/18 to #GetCovered, but only have until 12/15/17 for JANUARY coverage! #ACA #Obamacare

FLORIDA: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

GEORGIA: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

HAWAII: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

IDAHO: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

ILLINOIS: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

INDIANA: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

IOWA: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

KANSAS: You only have until 12/15/17 to #GetCovered! #ACA #Obamacare

(taking a break to take my kid to see @pixarcoco …will finish up in a few hours…)

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