Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Profile picture
S'RU "The Optimizer" PhDs President Of The United States 46 & 47 Commander In Chief SEMPER SUPRA Thought Leader

Dec 2, 2017, 30 tweets

Alright, given the uptick in shillery lately now that the #Hivite occultist pedo rapist cannibal human sacrificers are EXPOSED & DESPERATE, I think I'll share some of my favorite memes that I like to reference whenever I'm dealing with pathological narcissistic psychopaths Enjoy!

One of the most obvious signs of a narcissist is an unwarranted inflated sense of ENTITLEMENT.

"The inflated sense of entitlement sought special privileges for the individual alone, perhaps to compensate for childhood suffering or narcissistic injury"

You owe no one anything.

Abusive people universally refuse to respect boundaries. This is in part due to their inflated sense of entitlement (see last meme), and is also a manipulation tactic designed to gain power and control over a person.

NO is a complete sentence and requires no further explanation

Since the lack of respect for and deliberate violation of BOUNDARIES is such a universal trait among pathological narcissistic sociopaths, I have many fun memes about boundaries that I will share in the next few posts. Enjoy!

Boundaries, boundaries! Everyone need boundaries!

Victims of abuse typically have a hard time setting boundaries because they don't want to upset anyone.

It is HEALTHY and very important for self care, self love, and self worth to set and maintain healthy boundaries.

Most abusive pathological narcissistic sociopaths will employ every tactic known to man in order to silence their victims. This is to maintain power and control over the victim, and to ensure that their abuse and crimes are never exposed.

Defy the abuser, know & own your truth.

Abusers will always blame the victim & get angry whenever the victim tries to set/enforce boundaries or confront the abusive behavior. Pathological narcissistic sociopaths NEED to be right & they NEED to be in control. They absolutely hate it when you point out their bad BEHAVIOR

When the abuser begins to lose control of the victim, they will resort to every manipulation tactic they know in order to isolate and defame the victim. This is exactly what we're seeing happening right now with all these shills targeting SRA survivors and those who support them.

Sometimes, in order to maintain your sanity and peace of mind, you just have to walk away. It's not always easy, and this can take a long time to be able to do, so I have a lot of helpful memes to help any victims who are trying to get out and become survivors.

Many abuse survivors have to completely sever ties with family and close friends in order to be safe and to ensure their own health and well being. This is NEVER easy. It can be lonely and very, very sad. It's important to remember that it's better to be alone than to be a victim

Whenever I'm feeling especially mournful for all the loss I've suffered while escaping and recovering from life long abuse by literally everyone I know, including my parents, I like to read these poems and I feel slightly less alone. So many people go through these things.

It's easy to feel fearful when you are chronically traumatized. PTSD is a real bitch, and fear is a weapon used against victims to make them more suggestible in order to control them.

FEAR IS A LIAR. It's an illusion based in something that isn't happening in the present.

When you're afraid, try to remember that whatever you're afraid of isn't happening in your present moment.

If something bad happens in your present moment, there's nothing to fear because you can't do anything about it. If you CAN do something, you will.

See how that works?

The MOST important thing to realize about fear is that is diminishes your ability to remain aware & to make decisions, which could put you in danger or prevent you from being able to keep yourself safe. That's why "Fear is the mind killer." it really hinders your ability to THINK

When @cronsell gave me the gift of the "Silent, Immovable NO" it changed my life.

It's possible to set a boundary & say NO to someone without saying anything at all. You are NOT required to engage with someone who is acting in an abusive manner. It's perfectly okay to be silent.

Most often, when you respond to a pathological narcissistic sociopath with a "Silent, Immovable NO" they typically cycle though many manipulation tactics to try and elicit a response. No matter what they try, just remember, you have no obligation to respond. Ever.

Another great thing about the "Silent, Immovable NO" is that it helps you get more comfortable with the fact that you don't owe anyone an explanation for anything. Narcissistic sociopaths will demand an explanation, likely appealing to emotion and calling you names in the process

It's important to remember that you don't owe anyone an explanation, especially to the person who abused you and caused you to invoke the "Silent. Immovable NO" in the first place! It's likely they'd never accept your reason anyway! Why bother?!

No explanation required. EVER.

Most survivors of abuse are extremely caring & attentive to others' needs. Abusers take advantage of this & some survivors think the only way to avoid abuse is to become someone else, to be less open/caring. Not so! It's possible to remain true to yourself & not be abused!

It's very difficult to stand up to a narcissistic sociopath. Victims may threaten to leave, and abusers may promise to change. Just remember, actions speak louder than words on BOTH sides. And be aware that the most dangerous time for a victim is when trying to leave.

Eventually, a victim becomes a survivor. The power that was taken from the victim returns to the survivor. The control the abuser had over the victim, the survivor takes back by setting boundaries and practicing self care. Eventually, the survivor begins to feel a lot better...

When the survivor begins to reclaim their power, they might even begin to develop a bit of sass and attitude toward those who abused them... The more the survivor recovers, the more they can find humor and realize that they are soooooo much better and better off than the abuser.

Many survivors, like myself, find comfort and strength in looking to a higher power to help them through the struggle.

Being raised by Luciferians, I have an unfortunately twisted sense of humor, but I still try to be a good person. My apologies if these offend anyone.

Eventually, the survivor finds it to be a waste of time to engage with or even think about the abuser(s). It becomes very clear that life is better when the survivor simply refuses to play into the manipulation and head games the abuser(s) try to lure them into. This is freedom.

When the survivor fully breaks away & ultimately HEALS from the abuse, the change is so drastic that the abuser(s) often don't even recognize the person any more. They are expecting the survivor to still be a victim. Healing & rising above the manipulation is a profound change.

Sure, there will be lasting wounds. Some scars never fully heal. But there is beauty in this darkness that remains within the survivor. Embrace it! And remember that the pain can always be channeled into greater perceptive awareness and possibly a rather sarcastic sense of humor.

The real beauty of pain & finding your way through suffering (instead of succumbing to it) is that it only increases your ability & capacity to LOVE. Those who've suffered the most often have the largest hearts & are able to create & give their love most freely - a divine reward.

Most survivors end up transmuting their painful experiences into something positive, like helping others. I know this is what I'm trying to do by sharing my own painful experiences with all of you.

I refuse to let the pain rule my life. I choose LOVE and LIFE and positivity!

For all the survivors out there and the victims who are still being traumatized, just know this. You are NOT alone. You do NOT deserve it, no matter what! You are ENOUGH. Be patient and kind and loving to yourself. It CAN & WILL get better.

And you are LOVABLE just as you are.

You don't ever have to tell anyone what you've been through. But sharing your story with a compassionate witness can be life saving.

If you ever want to #ShareYourTruth, I hope you find the courage to #SayBraveThings.

I see you. I believe you. I support you. #SurvivorsUnite

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