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Electric word life...it means forever, and that's a mighty long time.

Jan 12, 2018, 10 tweets


1. Think Trump referring to Africa and Haiti as "shitholes" is bad? What about when Obama asked someone to pass the Poupon???

2. So what if hate crimes went up 20% in major US cities under Trump so far? Obama used to chew gum!!!

3. Trump has had multiple public disputes with grieving gold star families, but did you know Obama once saluted a military member while holding a LATTE!?!

4. Oddly enough, Fox News stopped doing whole segments dissecting presidential vacation time like they did before. Anyways here's one where they suggest Obama should've taken cabs while on vacation.

5. That time Fox News got mad at Michelle Obama for using rap and comedy to encourage kids to go to college.



When people who don't get sarcasm get mad at you but it just makes it funnier.

BONUS: By popular demand, the story behind The One Suit to Trigger Them All.

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