Far Centre Watch 🎪#ProudAntiFascist #FBPE Profile picture
Engineering traveller working across europe and africa and realising how lucky we are in europe. Will calmy question quittlings, #pcpeu or climate deniers.

Mar 4, 2018, 9 tweets

Procrastination is now the #quittlings secret weapon as they fail to deliver in any of their promises to their voters but instead deliver to their powerful elite interests.
So scared of honesty now they declare all experts as liars.
All debate treachery

So what can we do to hamper their tactics to avoid tax and enable a hedge fund inspired crash economy for them to profit.
1 call the con men what they are. Let no conversation avoid this truth

2 keep pushing the debate back to facts on economy and nhs.
They have no viable evidence of any benefit.
But there is now evident harm and more being reported everyday.
So amplify the measured damage. Increase awareness and pressure on everyone to recognise damage now

3 give clear visible evidence of benefits of the #3million non uk freinds in our country.
Refer to @cliodiaspora timelinefor great positive images and slides. And the human tragedy unfolding in uk and europe.

4 emphasise all the positive normal working people giving up jobs, uni, eng, medicine to fight this madness
Not for personal gain but because you care
Use others timelines to help

5 be honest about the nhs.The impact of the #3million leaving and skills shortages.
Bursary cuts.
Staffing levels causing patient harm.
Profits being taken instead of resources given.
Use @NHSMillion
@DancingTheMind or othersfor info.

6. Focus on what you know
For me Rugby, beer,eng,economics and how brexit will make that worse. Authenticity is our unique selling point. Something #quittlings dont have
Use experts to help if needed even from parodies 😉
Heres some that helped

Ill rant more to myself on flight to nigeria. Hopefully i wont post anymore to ruin your sunday.
From this to nigeria!
It will be a shock.

Unroll please @threadreaderapp

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