Paul Serran Profile picture
Brazilian Writer and musician Contributor @gatewaypundit Telegram channel:…

Mar 8, 2018, 6 tweets

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport
#internetbillofrights #InternetBillOfRightsNow
A thread about Snow White, and his many influences: FIRST, in the Q comms.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport
#internetbillofrights #InternetBillOfRightsNow

(3) This opeation "LIVE" by Q, in China, had something to do with him - but was not his capture.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport
#internetbillofrights #InternetBillOfRightsNow
(4) With censuring the Social Media and with controlling foreign countries through tech.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport
#internetbillofrights #InternetBillOfRightsNow

(6) Well, what the future holds for him? Doesn't look too good.


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