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Apr 2, 2018, 7 tweets

Meet Kristen Fotenrose, who until a month ago worked at SCL Group Ltd, but now works in the White House for the NSC. This is insanity. #CambridgeAnalytica politi.co/2pZImzA

Evidence suggests that all of SCL’s data, including that sourced from #AggregateIQ and #CambridgeAnalytica appears to flow toward SCL Group’s data warehouse. Unsettling to say the least.

Listen to this profile on BBC radio of Nigel Oakes, founder of SCL. It is both engrossing and distressing. #CambridgeAnalytica #SCL

Here’s that SCL Group State Department GEC contract for TAA usaspending.gov/#/award/279140…

Fotenrose was appointed to Gulf Affairs in White House NSC. Please note that SCL Social Ltd did a FARA registered propaganda campaign targeted at diplomats in US, paid for by UAE to promote a Qatar boycott.

Additional evidence of the SCL Data Warehouse, from my §7 UK DPA claim in the high court, I received my data last year, by request (SAR Subject Access Request) from data.compliance@sclgroup.cc

Revisiting Mike Flynn’s amended disclosure form where he added his SCL Group role. #CambridgeAnalytica #SCL apnewsarchive.com/2017/President…

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