The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center Profile picture
The official living memorial to #MLK, founded by #CorettaScottKing to educate on nonviolence & create the #BelovedCommunity. #Nonviolence365 • CEO: @BerniceKing

Apr 4, 2018, 6 tweets

A thread of excerpts from #MLK books, speeches, essays and sermons. On today, the 50th anniversary of the day he was assassinated, learn about #MartinLutherKingJr, and his thoughts on relevant issues, from King. From ‘Beyond Vietnam’... #MLK50Forward

#MLK on the connection between #slavery, #racism and #policebrutality. From his book, ‘Why We Can’t Wait.’ #MLK50Forward #MartinLutherKingJr

From #MLK’s last book, ‘Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community.?’ #TripleEvils #Racism #Materialism #Militarism #WorldHouse #MLK50Forward

#MLK on the doctrine of white supremacy and the doctrine of racism. From ‘In A Single Garment of Destiny: A Global Vision of Justice,’ a collection of his works. #MLK50Forward #MartinLutherKingJr

Dr. King on “tokenism.” From his book, ‘Why We Can’t Wait.’ #MLK #MLK50Forward #MartinLutherKingJr

#MLK on “softmindedness” and “toughmindedness” and how each affects race relations, racism and race prejudice. From his book, ‘Gift of Love.’ #MLK50Forward

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