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Orange man bad...

Apr 6, 2018, 11 tweets

Anyone seeing a pattern? 🧐


#QAnon #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp @POTUS #WWGOWGA

1) Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye sentenced to 24 years for Corruption


4) Cases against two ex-presidents of #SouthKorea fits an alarming pattern


#SouthKorean #corruption #CriminalMinds #qanon #fraud #Cheater #Evil

6) #Peru’s ex-president barred from leaving country amid corruption probe


#President #corrupted #NationForSale

7) S. Korean ex-president Lee Myung-bak arrested on graft charges


#Q #QAnon #QArmy #anon #TheStormIsUponUs #WWGOWGA

8) #Israeli police question #Netanyahu in telecom corruption case

Why are over 40 people in congress holding dual #USA and Israeli citizenship? How is this allowed to happen?


#Israel #Q #QAnon #QArmy #anon #TheStormIsUponUs #WWGOWGA #RedPill

9) Forbes Wipes Saudi Billionaires From Rich List After Crown Prince Corruption Purge


#corrupted #PedoGate #Q #QAnon #QArmy #anon #TheStormIsUponUs #WWGOWGA #RedPill

10) Corruption Currents: Angolan Fraud Probe Linked to Ex-Leader’s Son


#FollowTheMoney #DrainTheDeepState #Angola #corruption

11) Special placeholder here for Obama (and Hillary et all)

#Q #QAnon #QArmy #anon #TheStormIsUponUs #WWGOWGA #RedPill

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