Jeff Thomas Black Profile picture
#Economics, #CivilRights, #AI, #DukeMBA, #Author, "Full Dashclosure, Awakening from the human exploitation of DoorDash Singularity"

Apr 16, 2018, 9 tweets

1} "Jeff, what will trumps ultimate undoing be, in your opinion?"


"Which hill will Donald die on?"

Good questions. My answer isn't pretty at all, but it's the truth.

#THREAD - a stream of unconsciousness...

2} Are you ready?

He won't.

Trump is NOT going down.

3} It's April 15th - Do you know where your tax money is?

In the pocket of a Nazi @POTUS and his disgusting family of swine.

4} April 15th was my first wedding anniversary - a taxing day, all around.

The kleptocratic @Trump family of Nazi swine is just FINE - more fine than you know, and more FINER than any of the Mar-a-Lago fascists can gloat about, without pinching their saggy old skin bags.

5} Cults don't dissolve - they build resolve - they intensify the madness.

6} I've always thought crucifixion sounded like a very spiritual experience.

God helps those who fuck themselves, @TathamSmith.

7} There's great REASON behind this Evangelical and Christianist bullshit - and it's called WAR.

Trump will not give up without a war.

What kind of war? I'll explore the options below - feel free to comment along the way.

8} Oh NO they wouldn't bring #WAR to the USA.

Oh YES - they would.

They have.

They are.

They will.

9} A Nazi firing squad in America - today. Tell me I'm wrong. Please tell me.

"Oh my god. Please God."

Where is god right now?

God is dead.

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