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#Thread on the Ghosts of #Aadhaar

Are subsidies, benefits and services from the Consolidated Fund of india being siphoned by the Ghosts and duplicates of Aadhaar?
In order to assign an #Aadhaar number at least two Primary IDs are required by the UIDAI - one as proof of identity and another as a proof of address.

According to data provided by the UIDAI, in its Affidavit to the SC, only 60 crores could have used the voter ID, 29 crores PAN,17.37 crores a drivers license, 15.17 crores a ration card and 6.9 crores a Passport as their Primary ID to obtain a Secondary ID, the #Aadhaar
Read 20 tweets
The best dick I’ve gotten so far🍆đŸ€Ș #thread #storytime #storytimethreads #threads #storytimes (very detailed😭)
Before we start just know I’m talking bout my boyfriend the same one that’ BEEN fucking me, the same one that took my virginityđŸ˜‚đŸ‘đŸœ . Ok so like two weeks ago i mentioned to him that the next time we fuck i wanna make a tapeđŸ€ŠđŸœâ€â™‚ïž
So yesterday we planned on him coming over so that way when he leaves he can tell the guard that he’s coming back so that way they won’t call my house and get me caught😂. But he ain’t come cause my grandma was going out so she said that he can come today but I’m too tired
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#VoteTOaks #thread in response to tweets by @mavanzuyle and @dvmmum re: Amy Chen/CVUSD ballot designation. 1/
Tricking uniformed voters with false representations of your experience through your ballot designation is something I find wholly deceitful and unethical. We experienced this in 2016 when Sandee Everett listed herself as a school counselor on her ballot designation. 2/
No one challenged this, and she was allowed to represent herself as such, despite having never worked as a school counselor. This year, candidates Angie Simpson and Amy Chen both took liberties with their ballot designations and both were challenged. 3/
Read 20 tweets
Depuis quelques jours, en fait depuis que Gérard Mourou a reçu son prix Nobel de physique, je vois passer ce tweet, retweeté réguliÚrement car annonciateur, semble-t-il, d'une révolution dans la gestion des déchets nucléaires. #Thread
En premier lieu, l'article de la Tribune reprend le verbatim d'un article de l'excellente revue @FR_Conversation , article que je me permets de partager ici.

Comme beaucoup, je me suis Ă©galement dit, "Fichtre, si c'est vrai, ça va changer beaucoup de chose, d'autant plus Ă  l'approche du dĂ©bat sur le PNGMDR oĂč il sera - encore - question de CigĂ©o. Imagine si ce procĂ©dĂ© Ă©tait vraiment efficace". Du coup, je me suis lancĂ© sur la biblio.
Read 26 tweets
Bolsonaro venceu em 2850 municĂ­pios. Haddad em 2613, Ciro em 103. Segue a #thread para ver o resultado em cidades bem curiosas.

A começar por AmaporĂŁ-PR: a Ășnica cidade que conseguiu EMPATAR.

Haddad 41% - 1191 votos
Bolsonaro 41% - 1191 votos
Ciro 6%
Dias 5%
Alckmin 4%
Vamos começar por naturalidade. PINDAMONHANGABA-SP tem a proeza de ser terra de dois candidatos fortes: Ciro Gomes e Geraldo Alckmin. Mas venceu o forasteiro.

Bolsonaro 60%
Alckmin 15%
Haddad 9%
Ciro 8%
AmĂŽedo 4%
Bolsonaro foi mais votado nas cidades de Ciro e Alckmin do que na própria cidade em que nasceu: Glicério-SP.

Bolsonaro 56%
Haddad 24%
Alckmin 8%
Ciro 6%
AmĂŽedo 3%
Read 18 tweets
The discussion in the EU about how to address the problem of the rule of law in PL has mainly focused on deploying punitive measures. This inspired me to write a paper for @Carnegie_Europe within its #Europeandemocracy project which calls on a more comprehensive strategy. #Thread
1.Don't get me wrong. The EU cannot turn a blind eye on democratic backsliding in its own members. EU treaties provide EC with legal instruments 2 address the problem&EC has been doing its job vis-Ă -vis. But it will fail to restore #ruleoflaw if it only sticks 2 punitive measures
2.The EC needs to ensure that the Polish public understands the EU’s motives for intervening. Poles are pro-European but they are vulnerable to the PiS narrative that Brussels has no right to tell Warsaw what to do ( I refer to some polling in the piece)
Read 12 tweets
@jfjulliard, d‘accord avec vous, mais je me dois de rajouter que des ONG comme celle que vous dirigez se doivent de ranger les armes quant Ă  certains combats archaĂŻques qu‘elles mĂšnent depuis dĂ©jĂ  trop longtemps. Je m‘en explique dans ce #thread ↘
Plus de 20 ans qu'on sait que notre maison brûle.
Cela n'empĂȘche pas nombre d'ONG d'associer inlassablement les mots "sortie du #nuclĂ©aire“ et #climat.

Peut-on véritablement espérer que les #EnR pourront, SEULES, décarboner la production électrique MONDIALE?
PrĂ©cisons la question : le dĂ©ploiement exponentiel des #EnR Ă  l'Ă©chelle MONDIALE depuis 2000 permet-il une RÉDUCTION des Ă©missions de GES?

Voici un début de réponse basée sur les données BP stats / REN21.
À lire et relayer, alors que le 6Ăšme rapport du GIEC est publiĂ© ce jour.
Read 15 tweets
Study in Australia #thread: Timeline for July 2019 intake.

If you have plans to go to Australia for either undergrad or postgraduate study, then this is for you to give you an idea about what to do in which month for the July intake.
1. Your first step should start October to December 2018. Shortlist 3-4 universities that you will apply to. Visit website and check application requirements and most importantly deadlines.

By December, be familiar with the scholarships in Australia to fund your studies.
Still in December, do not forget to do some research on various accommodation options to assist you with planning.

You can check here for accommodation link and also scholarships
Read 11 tweets
On a atteint les 1000 circuits électriques du réseau @rte_france, routables sur #OpenStreetMap ce soir.
70% du réseau 400/225kV est routable, 400 circuits 225kV ont été ajoutés en 2 ans, le projet a débuté avant 2010 #thread
Au delĂ  des liens, les nƓuds du rĂ©seau sont aussi dĂ©crits, avec une topologie fine. On trouve les points d'arrivĂ©e de chaque ligne, les jeux de barres servant Ă  aiguiller l'Ă©nergie et les appareils transformateurs, sectionneurs et disjoncteurs.

3377 sites sont attribués à @rte_france en oubliant parfois que les sous-stations ferroviaires sont exploitées par @SNCFReseau par exemple
Read 7 tweets
#Thread: We need to talk about the @nytimes. I believe it's a conversation that is long overdue. We need to consider seriously that despite some excellent investigative journalism, something about their leadership is off. They appear to be compromised, even complicit at times.
Before I get into the details, I think it's important to frame this against the backdrop of that corruption: Donald Trump. He has been extremely vocal about them in a way he hasn't been with any other print publication, and in my opinion that is very much deliberate.
Consider for example that he rarely mentions the @WashingtonPost who has by all metrics been holding him to account. Donald knows that shining a light on them would potentially increase its readership. He only bullies those he believes he can bend to his will.
Read 27 tweets
Alles an diesem Tweet und Kommentar ist so falsch, dass ich fĂŒr einen #Thread meinen Urlaub unterbrechen muss. 1/12 #Fernsehrat
(Ja, ich weiß: 2/12
ZunÀchst ist das Thema Gender Bias in der Wikipedia eine harte Nuss, zu der seit Jahren intensiv geforscht wird.
Ein Artikel dazu im Vergleich mit Britannica aus 2011:

Einen aktuellen Überblick liefert diese Studie:
Read 12 tweets
Depois das pesquisas de hoje, Bolsonaro pode crescer e levar no 1°? Hå alguma chance de Ciro passar Haddad?

Eis a #thread que compara as pesquisas divulgadas na noite anterior à eleição e o resultado, desde 1989.

As pesquisas realmente acertam? Segue o fio pra ver.
Desde 1989, foram sete eleiçÔes e 32 candidatos que chegaram no såbado com mais de 1% nas pesquisas.

O Datafolha sĂł errou, considerando a margem de erro, 5 vezes. De resto, 27 vezes o resultado mostrado no Jornal Nacional no sĂĄbado bateu com a urna.
As Ășnicas 5x que o que o Datafolha disse no sĂĄbado Ă  noite nĂŁo se manteve nas urnas.

- AĂ©cio, 2014 - De 26% para 34% (+8)
- Alckmin, 2006 - De 38% para 42% (+4)
- Marina, 2014 - De 24% para 21% (-3)
- Dilma, 2010 - De 50% para 47% (-3)
- Enéas, 1998 - De 5 para 2% (-3)
Read 17 tweets
1. My heart breaks for our country. What's worse is I knew this was coming for my entire life. How? I was forced to become one of them for 3 yrs.
I was a "Soldier of God" to take down the civil rights of the 50s & liberal rights of the 60s. -- Ask me anything about that plan.
2. I'll start off:
Q. What are the basic teachings in a far-right fundamentalist school (cult)?
A. Rich white healthy straight men are blessed by God to lead this nation. Everyone else must serve God by serving these leaders. Laws are created to support the leaders & empires.
3. Q. What is the basic fight? Why do they not help those who are suffering?
A. To them suffering on Earth is only temporary. If they hurt others to fulfill the plan, then it's God's will. The only way a person can stop hurting is to turn to God to go to heaven & suffer no more.
Read 22 tweets
This weekend Brazilians will go to the polls to elect a new president. #Brazil is fifth biggest country in the world, in terms of population, and symptomatic of a remarkable authoritarian turn in the world's biggest states. #thread
1. China is the biggest country and only non-democracy in top-5. But even here General Secretary Xi Jinping has taken the country in a (even) more authoritarian and nationalist direction.
2. India, the world's largest democracy, has been governed by PM Narendra Modi and his radical right BJP-led coalition since 2014. MOstly ignored by international media, India has seen sharp rise of radical and sometimes violent Hindutva activism.
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Je garde bien en tĂȘte que je dois vous parler prochainement de #dĂ©chetsnuclĂ©aires, mais je me suis dit qu'un petit prĂ©liminaire de vocabulaire s'imposait.

C'est partie pour un petit #thread sur les bases de la #radioactivitĂ© et de la radioprotection dans le #nuclĂ©aire đŸ€“
À l'origine de ce thread, quelque chose que j'avais lu il y a quelques temps : quelqu'un qui avait peur que les rayonnements qui sortiraient de CigĂ©o irradient tout le monde aux alentours.
Et là, j'ai bien du admettre que la radioactivité est un concept pour certains fort obscur.
La radioactivité, c'est le phénomÚne de transformation d'un atome en un autre atome, qu'on appelle décroissance, qui s'accompagne, pour des raisons de conservation de la masse et de l'énergie (rien ne se perd, rien ne se créé, tout ça tout ça ) d'une émission d'une particule.
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Dieser #thread ist an @Book_Fair gerichtet.
Wir korrigieren, nicht zwei rechte/rechtsextreme Verlage/Vereine werden sich an der #BuchmesseFrankfurt2018 beteiligen, wie die Pressesprecherin verkĂŒndet hat, sondern nachfolgende Verlage/Organisationen
1) Mit einem Stand und Veranstaltungen ist vertreten der rechtsextreme und antisemitische #AhrimanVerlag.
Anzutreffen auf der #fbm18 H 4.1/D85.
ErgÀnzende Infos dazu hier:

2) Ebenfalls vertreten ist der rechtsextreme österreichische #AresVerlag bzw. die Ares GmbH.
Anzutreffen 3.1/H100,N/A.
ErgÀnzende Infos dazu hier:

Read 31 tweets
Salut Twitter, apparemment "réagir peut tout changer", s'émeut MarlÚne Schiappa qui voudrait que les citoyens témoins de violences conjuguales appellent le 17. C'est marrant (nan pas trop en fait) parce que la situation s'est présentée ce lundi dans l'immeuble de la rédac #thread
Vers 15h, on commence à entendre, dans les étages de l'immeuble (on est au rdc sur cour), des bruits de coups, de meubles renversés, de choses frappées. Des cris. D'homme, de femme. Dans un appartement d'habitude silencieux (on connaßt les couples de l'immeuble qui s'engueulent).
On se met franchement Ă  flipper, car ça semble trĂšs au-delĂ  d'une dispute. Notre correctrice compose le 17 alors que les bruits de coups rĂ©sonnent dans la cour. La rĂ©ponse fut exceptionnelle, mais permet peut-ĂȘtre de comprendre pourquoi les tĂ©moins et victimes n'appellent plus.
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She found a breast lump. What should happen next?
Individual’s journey to diagnosis.
Welcome to day 3 of our
#BeatingBreastCancer series.
#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth 💞1/
Grace was just washing up after exercise class; planning to meet her friends for the party later that night.

As she soaped herself, her mind was busy on other things. #BeatingBreastCancer 💞
#breastcancerawarenessmonth 2/
She rubbed under her right breast and under her armpit.
As she circled the breast again, she felt something. She paused, letting the water rinse off the soap.

And pressed her breast - yes, there it was again.
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Welcome to Day2 of our #BeatingBreastCancer series.
Today - What’s a #Mammogram?
Simply, it’s an X-Ray of the breasts used to detect changes in the breast that may indicate cancer.
It’s used as a screening method in some countries... 1/#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth 💞
- that means - before a woman develops ANY signs of cancer, the X-Ray can find breast changes suggesting #BreastCancer.
In the UK, it’s given every 3 years after a woman is 50y till she is 70y.
#BreastCancerAwarnessMonth 💞
Nigeria has no formal program.
There are some other women for whom a #Mammogram is useful for screening outside the age limits and regardless of age, all women are encouraged to continue performing regular self breast examination (BSE) 3/.
#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth 💞#BeatingBreastCancer
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LIFE HAPPENS | “Sho, do you cook?”, my date asked. I replied jauntily, “I used to but not anymore. I now have access to a chef and can afford to order what I like eating.” #Thread #Life #Relationships
My date followed up by asking, “If your boyfriend asked you to cook for him, would you?” I grinned, as I realised my date was sadly playing from a script. I replied, “I don’t have a guy I like who’s asking me to cook, so I can’t say.”
I think my date thought I was being coy. But, I wasn’t. I was just being honest. A while ago, I decided to deal in reality and not hypotheticals. I have tried and failed to control life. All my effort got me was an anxiety problem and therapy.
Read 19 tweets
OK my @medium account got "caught in the spam filter" & has been restored so let me try this #thread again. I've been working for several months on a series of blogs explaining trolling & botting tactics used by 4chan during the election. #ContentWarning:

Several months ago @elimisteve from @PursuanceProj found a series of pastebins and sent them to me. 4chan trolls studied learned graphic design software to make memes, memetic warfare and botting to troll the election.

The 1st part is an 8chan thread by someone who claimed to have worked in the marketing & advertising industry. The explain various components of effective graphic design & instructions for /pol/ to “normalize” their message to blend in with the normies.

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Désolé d'aller une fois de plus à contre-courant du politiquement correct. En plus, je touche au sujet du handicap, je dois donc me préparer à un lynchage en rÚgle.

Allons y: "Il ne faut pas rendre le métro de Paris accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite" (PMR)

Entendons nous bien: pour les stations neuves, on peut prévoir une accessibilité dans le cahier des charges, coût raisonnable. Mon propos est relatif aux plus de 250 stations non accessibles car trÚs anciennes.

Il y a beaucoup mieux Ă  faire pour les PMR !
Le mĂ©tro de paris part de tellement loin dans ce domaine qu'une compatibilitĂ© intĂ©grale couterait des milliards. Or, mĂȘme "accessible" aux PMR, le mĂ©tro resterait "inadaptĂ©" aux PMR. Pourquoi ?
Read 13 tweets
Following Iranian media outlets, the @iaeaorg and international community should investigate @netanyahu's claim regarding Iran's secret atomic facility.
It is highly likely that the evidence provided by Netanyahu is reliable. 1/9
This was the video published by an Iranian website. It is interesting why these three men are asking people to not visit the location. In this video they repeatedly ask people to not try to visit the place because there is nothing. But they fail to show inside the building. 2/9
Iranian state TV reporter went to the location. The reporter refused to ask to go inside and show inside the building.
In the report, a man in a red T-shirt[was introduced as an ordinary citizen]makes fun of Netanyahu.Him and another person claim the place is an old depot.3/9
Read 9 tweets

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