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Share news Mockingbirds won't. Ask Questions MSM won't. Don't worship government or leaders, it blinds you to their lies. CONSTITUTIONAL PATRIOT

Apr 21, 2018, 13 tweets

Remember wikileaks, podesta spirit cooking email, cut middle finger eat the pain...

#Qanon singing like a bird...

#Qanon Mack naming names...
#anonymous found this tidbit.…

#Qanon related
Thanks to #anon pulled up the wikileak email image.
#Coincidence bandaid on middle finger of the left hand?

#Qanon quoted an #Anon...
really creepy idea...

the archives are lagging behind tonight, and 8ch is sufferling heavy load.
So this ones out of order i think.

many anons followed the pizza line, I did not, but is curious the voat site that was digging hard on it went down #anons said a couple days ago..

#Qanon the World is Watching..


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