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Apr 27, 2018, 6 tweets

#ThisDayInHistory Jahangir arrested his own son Khusrao Mirza, by defeating him in Bhairowal, 1606. why? Akbar was shocked when Jahangir killed wazir Abul Fazl n willed Khusrao to be his successor. Jahangir had to forcefully battle his way to the coveted throne after Akbar's +

death by fighting between his other brothers. but Khusrao rebelled against Jahangir & after a fierce battle, Khusrao was caught along with his companions alongside the River Chenab n confined to the fort of Agra. his companions met a gruelling death n Khusrao was chained & +

he was forced to ride an elephant along CHANDNI CHOWK lined with spikes on which his companions had been impaled alive. Khusrao was kept in prison for several years. later again when he rebelled against his father, Jahangir ordered his other son Khurram (our favourite casanova +

Shahjahan) to pluck his eyes with burning rods. later he was killed by Shahjahan in 1622.
such was d barbarity of the mughal raj, that jahangir killed his son & brothers to ascend the throne. but KARMA followed him, when shahjahan gave him the same fate. each badshahs had their +

share of bloodbath to the crown. this savagery of the mughal raj is phenomenal. our history books glorified them unreservedly but if one follows d trail of blood, d mughal raj was the GRISLIEST.
PS: Sikh Guru Arjan Dev was also prosecuted by Jahangir because he blessed Khusrao.

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