#Mahalaya #শুভ_মহালয়া
শুভ মহালয়া| সবাই নিশ্চিত মহালয়া মানে দূর্গাপূজার দিন গোনা, মহালয়ার ৬ দিন পর মহাসপ্তমি, তাই দেবিকে আমত্রন ইত্যাদি। মহালয়ার তার চেয়ে বড় গুরুত্ব আছে ।
ত্রেতা যুগে ভগবান শ্রীরামচন্দ্র অকালে দেবিকে আরাধনা করেছিলেন লঙ্কা জয় করে সীতাকে উদ্ধারের জন্য| #Mahalaya
আসল দূর্গা পূজা হলো বসন্তে, সেটাকে বাসন্তি পূজা বলা হয় । শ্রীরামচন্দ্র অকালে-অসময়ে পূজা করেছিলেন বলে এই শরতের পূজাকে দেবির অকাল-বোধন বলা হয় । তিথিতে যারা পিতৃ-মাতৃহীন তারা তাদের পূর্বপূরূষের স্মরন করে, পূর্বপূরুষের আত্নার শান্তি কামনা করে অঞ্জলি প্রদান করেন ।
Sep 24, 2018 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
ঐ যে গুলির ফুটোটা দেখছেন। ঐ ফুটো দিয়ে একটু এগিয়ে গেলেই রাজেসের হৃৎপিন্ডটা পাওয়া যাবে। চলুন আমরা সবাই ওর হৃদয়ের পাশে, ওর সাথে গিয়ে একটু বসি।
"তুই চিন্তা করিস না ভাই, আমরা তোর সাথেই আছি। শুধু, তুই একটু আগেই চলে গেলি। #BengalDalitStudentsKillings
বর্ণমালার প্রতিটা বর্ণ চুঁইয়ে চুঁইয়ে তাজা টকটকে লাল রক্ত গড়িয়ে পড়ছে।
হাজার চেষ্টা করেও সেগুলোর রঙ নীল সাদা করা যাচ্ছে না। #BengalDalitStudentsKillings
Sep 18, 2018 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
My 2 cents on #BagriMarketFire
Most of the old markets in WB are owned by Hindus. By Destroying them, mostly Marwaris, Gujaratis, Baishya Bengalis & Bihari/UP will be FORCED to sell their shops to MUSLIM PROMOTERS. Same like H selling farmlands to M
This is not the FIRST INSTANCE, destroying the ORGANISED HINDU MARKETS benefits the MUSLIM HAWKER SYNDICATES of TMC who are used to launder money and PAY the TMC .
বুদ্ধিজীবী কারে কয়?
দু চারটে কবিতা ঝেড়ে
ঝোলা ব্যাগ কাঁধে নিয়ে,
যারা নন্দনে ঘুরে বেড়ায়।
বুদ্ধিজীবী কারে কয়?
গালাগালি ভরা ডায়লগ সহ
সাথে কিছু পানু সিন রেখে,
যারা দু এক পিস সিনেমা বানায়।
বুদ্ধিজীবী কারে কয়?
ক্যানভাসে কিছু রং মাখিয়ে
তাতে বড় একটা টাইটেল লিখে,
যারা গ্যালারিতে প্রদর্শনী লাগায়।
বুদ্ধিজীবী কারে কয়?
কলেজে ছাত্র না পড়িয়ে
দুই চারটে ইংরেজি শিখে,
যারা টিভিতে বসে ভাষণ মারায়।
Sep 11, 2018 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
11th September 1893 Parliament of World’s Religions at Chicago. A young monk from a far away country rose to deliver a soul stirring speech drew the entire world's attention to our Nation's rich history & strong cultural roots.
“Sisters and Brothers of America. [At this moment came the three minute standing ovation from the audience of 7,000] It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which you have given us. I thank you in name of the most ancient order
Aug 21, 2018 • 14 tweets • 11 min read
A forgotten history of Bengal. Whether you like it or not. #Thread
বালিকার ক্রন্দনধ্বনি bangodesh.com/2018/08/cry-of…#BengalHistory#JagatSeth#SarfarajKhan
‘main nehi jaungi… cchor do mujhe”
Maha Chand’s eleven year old bride’s wails and laments was echoing inside the aged Fatehchand’s palace. FatehChand was numb in shock.
Jul 24, 2018 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Uttam Kumar was a Phenomenon. He was the ruler of the hearts of millions of Bengalis. This iconic actor mesmerised us for decades. Today in 1980, he breathed his last. Till today his popularity and his charisma wins hands down.
Once labelled as a Flop Master after series of films that were cropper starting from Mayador in 1947, till the Basu Paribar hit the theatres. Story changed radically. Shaare Chuattor & Agniporikha gave his career a stellar push. He became an Idol.
Jul 23, 2018 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
While @MamataOfficial was cramming her brain with her speech for Sahid Sammelon on 21st July, handful of MCK students were on indefinite hunger strike. Aniket, Ayan, Arnab, Aapan, Soumyadip & Sumit since 10th July. 15 more students have joined the protest from 18th July.
These students want instead of allotting Hostel rooms only to the freshers, all students should be provided the facility in the newly built 11 storeys boys hostel after proper counselling. BTW there are 4 more boys hostel and 2 seperate girls hostel in MCK.
Jul 22, 2018 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
Meet 2 Indian Ladies
MadhabiLata Mitra & Tanvi Buch. heard their names? Mitra is a Kolkata based supermodel & a mountaineer & Tanvi is a Mumbai based photographer & architect. They are going to perform a deed which will etch their names in the history of wo-mankind. @tanvibuch
Mitra & Buch are going to be a part of a skiing expedition to the South Pole this December. They are going to train for the expedition in Scotland from 1st Sept to 9th Sept this year.
Jatindranath Das, a freedom fighter who along with Bhagat Singh & other revolutionaries sat on a indefinite hunger strike today in 1929 demanding jail reforms & rights of prisoners & undertrials. #JatinDas
Born in 1904, Calcutta, Jatin Das was a born activist. He had links with Anushilan Samity, he participated in the Non co-operation movement at the age of 16. He was arrested twice during the movement. He became a full fledged freedom fighter since then
Jul 11, 2018 • 19 tweets • 10 min read
6:24pm-6:35pm series of ‘pressure cooker’ bomb blasts rocked the financial capital of India. 7 stations- Mahim, Matunga, Khar, Bandra, Jogeshwari, Mira Rd & Borivali & 7 1st class compartments of western suburban rail network's local trains #MumbaiTrainBlast2006
2 bombs exploded in Mahim & Bandra, then at Virar bound local, in the next 5 minutes in 4 more local trains at Matunga, Khar, Jogeshwari & Borivali leaving 200+ ppl dead & 700+ injured. In Borivali 1 bomb was defused while the other exploded earlier.
Jul 9, 2018 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
7th boy out, 8th is not far behind,,, such a nail biting ordeal... I guess the coach will come out last.
8 boy rescued too... way to go, Jai Shree Ram. well done divers!! #ThaiCaveRescue
Jul 4, 2018 • 15 tweets • 11 min read
Today is Swami Vivekananda’s Punya Tithi. in 1902 he obtained Mahasamadhi at 9:10pm at the age of 39 years and 5 months. he fulfilled his own prophecy “I shall not live to be 40 years old” + #SwamiVivekananda#Mahasamadhi
just 3 days before his Mahasamadhi Swami pointed out to Swami Premananda a particular spot on Belur Math grounds where he wished his body to be cremated. he said "A great tapasya and meditation has come upon me, and I am making ready for death."
Jun 30, 2018 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
100 days to go for Mahalaya Amavashya 2018. end of Pitripaksha and the auspicious begining of Devipaksha. Prabhi Shree Ram invoked Maa Durga on Mahalaya just before his journey to Lanka to rescue SitaMata. #Mahalaya2018
it is also called Akal Bodhon (worship before Time). It is said the King Surath worshipped Maa Durga during the spring, but Prabhu Shree Ram invoked her in Autumn. Mahalaya marks the awakening of Maa Durga.
Jun 27, 2018 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
Panchamda was born to Sachin Karta & Mira Burman today on 1939 in Kolkata.
He composed songs for over 350 films n many non film songs both in Bengali n Hindi. he also made music in 4 other languages like Telegu, Tamil, Oriya, Marathi.
But did you know #PanchamDa acted as well? Do you know the movie(s) in which he acted?
In Bhoot Bangla he made his debut in acting. a clip from Bhoot Bangla along with Mehmood. any other movie?
Jun 27, 2018 • 22 tweets • 14 min read
Today is the Jayanti of the man who coined the words Vande Mataram. these 2 words acted as a wavemaker in our Struggle for Independence. Many young ppl came under the spell of Vande Mataram, the sacred mantra of patriotism. #VandeMataram
He wrote d lyrics of Vande Mataram (VM) in 1875 much before he wrote d novel AnandaMath while traveling in a train, d scenic landscape, beautiful lakes & nature in its splendour inspired him into penning down lyrics 4 the soul stirring poem.
Jun 22, 2018 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
সংক্ষেপে সিপাহী বিদ্রোহ লেখোর এই নমুনা !!
হায় কপাল ... Out of syllabus question এসেছিলো বোধ হয় !!
CC: @DetheEshaSen @smita_muk @JyoitaS @BramhaKamal @NilotpalMukher6 @DebashishHiTs @debasissikdar @Shailenndra @SnehashisChatt4
question : write in short about sipahi vidroh.
ans: a grp of sipahis n some british fauz. sipahis advanced, british receded
brits took out their guns, sipahis started running. war began
sipahi: tthus tthus dhishkaon
brit: OMG gulli in my tummy!! ooohh aahh
sipahi: pakdo brits ko
May 31, 2018 • 11 tweets • 9 min read
The Famous #DakshineshwarMandir which houses Maa Bhabatarini was founded by #RaniRashmoni. It is said that when she was about to start for a pilgrimage to Benaras, the divine #MaaKali intervened & asked her to build a Mandir on the banks of #Ganga. + #RaniRashmoni bought 58 bigha of land in 1847. 8 yrs later on 1855 the Mandir was completed. the land resembled a hump of a tortoise, 1 part belonged to a European & the other part was Muslim kabaristan, perfect place for Tantra Sadhana.
2008, a cycle leaning on the boundary wall of Hanuman Mandir lay unattended for several hours while people were busy flocking to the Mandir for Aarti. None took notice, it was such a common sight. similar unattended cycles were #JaipurBlast
seen near Chudi walon ka Khanda, Manak Chauk PS in Badi Chaupar, National Handlooms in Johari Bazaar, Tripolia Bazar, Kotwali PS, Phool walon ka Khandan in Choti Chaupar n Johari Bazar. all within a diameter of 500 meters. in total 7/8 cycles.