Rosie Memos Profile picture
Digging for truth but twitter likes to say it's not available. Expert level typo maker.

May 2, 2018, 6 tweets

Tsarnaev was added to the terrorist watchlist, 3 months later he traveled to Russia but that did not prompt additional investigation😤🤤 same story every time, wasn’t McCabe part of Boston Bombing investigation? #SMH

WUT.... McCabe’s gonna need a bigger goslushfundme.

Gah Putin being so pushy! Notifying the FBI and the CIA? Stop being so aggressive it’s like you’re trying to stop terrorism or something.


Anyway, don’t worry everyone, they did an internal investigation and they cleared themselves because pesky Putin didn’t give the right spelling or maybe we didn’t spell right, or maybe McCabe is not who we think🤐😵 Rushhaaaaaaaaaa…

BTW we get 32 pages and they get 168 pages and “they” are paid by us sooo..

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