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by @AnonScan view original on Twitter
Due to recent events we are considering making a small 6-page PDF-file of 22.6 MB available 4 hours from now⏳
It's concerning #Clinton and #Libya +letter fm a PM
In the event of making it public we will NOT comment on how, who, where, when or why.
Should we post the URL and PW❓
A group of Democrats asked the US VP Mike Pence , to take advantage of his Latin American tour to improve relations with Ecuador and also to pressure #Quito on its decision to continue giving asylum to the founder of @WikiLeaks, @JulianAssange
According to NYT, Chuck Schumer and nine other Democratic senators said in a letter to #Pence that they were extremely concerned over #Ecuador's protection of #Assange at its embassy in London. nytimes.com/aponline/2018/…
Complaint as to Joshua Adam Schulte (1). In Violation of 18 U.S.C. 2252A (a) (2) (B), (a) (5) (B), (a) (1), (b) (1), (b) (2), and 2 (Signed by Magistrate Judge Henry B. Pitman) (dif) [1:17-mj-06401-UA] ia801503.us.archive.org/12/items/gov.u…
... #ReconnectAssange #SafePassage
Approx 4 months ago our friend spoke up for another friend of ours... @JulianAssange on Randy Credico: "Has the great @Credico2016 been censored by 'free speech radio' @WBAI? Your hosts are in revolt. What's going on? "
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by @JulianAssange view original on Twitter