3) Strange how these guys all, in concert, say we are proven wrong over and over again. They're "sick of us" and have concluded without any doubt this is phony.
4) The twitter fame whores, in concert, seem to believe that #Qanon is based on prediction of time and place, and that nothing in Q posts ever happens, and we are some mindless horde following a messiah.
Oddly, we seem to be proven right, over and over again.
5) Now what do I mean by proven right? I want to be careful here. Aren't things, generally, moving in the direction of #Qanon drops? Aren't we seeing government shake up's world wide? The Saudi purge? Unprecedented number of resignations?
6) I've said over and over again that a task of this scope requires immense planning and careful execution. Do we want unrest and people in the streets? Do I really want to open my gun safe and stand guard at a window of my house? No.
7) This is a true and real war against the deep state. All of us, and these twitter fame whores see it. So what's wrong then?
My life experience with fame is that it quickly goes to your head. You become arrogant, obtuse, and reject any challenge/idea that's a to that fame.
8) What are some obvious signs of this? Blocking all who voice disagreement, blocking anyone that challenges their authority. Ridiculing other people endlessly.
9) What cracks me up is how well their work parallels #Qanon drops. You see the facts anons uncover littered all over these fame whore threads, and they seem completely oblivious to it. It's laughable.
10) Despite the wealth of info available, they plod on with their threads, wittingly or unwittingly including the anons work as their own. They read a tidbit somewhere, don't realize it was uncovered by anons, and gets regurgitated into their "mainstream." Happens over and over.
11) Another common theme from Twitter fame whores is the proclamation they they are the new media, and its open source, and rigorous, and special.
12) Look at those screen captures above. This is new media? Seems like it's same as the old media.
Not really sure much is new. On TV you have fame whores like Jim Acosta, and on Twitter you now see the same with these fame whores carving out their little plot to tend.
13) What's wrong here? Shouldn't the best voices rise up? Sure. But at what cost?
14) What's the point of replacing broken journalism w/ broken citizen journalism? We're seeding it w/ same problems as before. It'll fail.
15) This is why the idea of "Anonymous" is so powerful. All just a bunch of cats herded into a pen, digging, digging, digging. You make a huge find? Nobody knows who you are. Selfless. Honorable. Patriotic.
16) Contrast that with people like @Debradelai who rants and ridicules everyone, @ThomasWictor who blocks any level of disagreement to manufacture consent, and @drawandstrike who is wildly misinformed about #Qanon and feeds false narratives to his followers.
Here he frames our little club as blind followers, a false narrative, anchoring readers to the idea we're mindless zombies.
Second, claims dialogue impossible. Can anyone find anything he's ever said that welcomed #Qanon dialogue? I can't. I only find ridicule.
18) In the series of retweets @drawandstrike produces here, you find them in lock step agreement, and at the same time ignorant of #Qanon. One says it's a larp, the others mindlessly agree. End of discussion. And @Debradelai says we can't be reasoned with?
19) My experience with out little #QAnon club is that we are extremely approachable, open minded, and willing to consider anything based in fact. The game here is to label us mindless slaves to protect your own little kingdoms. Fine. But it's narrow-minded.
20) @ThomasWictor, in my view, is the worst of the lot. He actively tries to undermine the work, and to what end? I'm floored at the defense of his behavior by his sycophants. We rail on Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc for their censorship, this guy gets away with it unscathed?
21) I expected better. Be careful who you follow.
While this crowd claims we're mindlessly following a messiah, take a moment and think about why they attack us. Afraid their "messiah-ness" is under threat, perhaps?
22) You can say that by pointing out those that create division is in itself sewing division. Fair point.
To which I quote a 4 year old: "well, like, they started it."
2) The cabal knows that FISA declassification is about to drop, and Q team seems to imply they were aware of what the Dimms were planning regarding Kavanaugh. Certainly seems so, as I found the specificity of the questions regarding a polygraph by Mitchell curious.
3) A best guess of "[CDE[F]?"
Note the "?" instead of an ] (end bracket) indicating there is more/are more people involved. I would guess Shiela Jackson Lee, Maggie Hassan and Barbara Boxer.
1) I expressed this suspicion about CPL Avenatti being a C_A sleeper the other day, and while it does not directly address him, this Q post from overnight confirms my thoughts in the overall thread:
2) ...the leap means accepting my suspicion that they have thousands of people in society lying in wait, tasked to be prepared for a coordinated effort, whatever it is, and you follow orders.
3) A postal carrier. A DMV clerk. A travel agent (lol, The Americans), or a flight attendant, a pilot, LAWYERS, probably lots of them, DOCTORS (Bush father doctor death), and you name it. The key is thousands.