1/2 Border Patrol Agents: Is the paycheck worth it? Is it with it knowing you are on the wrong side of history? Is it worth it knowing you are the very hand in an act of evil? #FamiliesBelongTogether
2/2 You are just doing your job the same way SS soldiers just did their job walking men, women, and children to the gas chambers. You have a choice. May God have mercy upon soul.
Ya'll. The most GLORIOUS thing happened and couldn't have been better timed if I was in a movie with an award winning special effects crew.
Walking into a local cafe to pick up a sandwich order when some cur entering as I'm leaving says to me, "I'd like to see those titties jiggle over my face."
To which I spun on my heels and at the same time as I barked, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!" a gust of wind blew up making my freshly washed (so it's flowy and shit) blue and purple hair swirl around me and thunder cracked over head.
I have been sucked in to Lifetime's Escaping Polygamy.
This is what happens when I don't have papers to grade.
OHMYGOD. These young kids are all: I need to leave this cult because it's a life or death situation. And the people rescuing them are like, okay we have 2 minutes. And then the kids are all, "HOLD ON. I NEED TO PACK EVERY GODDAMN THING I OWN."
So these young women are helping other young women (and sometimes young men) leave the FLDS cult.