THE most brutal assessment of #BrexitShambles by the US embassy in London
- the economy is gonna tank
- the British Government isn't interested in telling people they got it wrong
- worst kind of inflation
- Brexit ends up not helping people
- leavers are absolutely terrified
What I like most about this is the expression that the very long term economic factors which fuelled Brexit... will absolutely not be resolved by Brexit
And there will be huge political consequences as and when people realise that it will not help them
"The EU 27 says 'we're a club, these are our rules, you tell us how many you're prepared to accept and we'll tell you where you can go'
That is not the British conception of what this is at all, they see it as a negotiation between two equal parties"
"The British Government is not interested in telling people, this thing that 52% of you said you wanted here are the range of options..