Madelyne #KamalaHarris2024 Profile picture
Jul 6, 2018 90 tweets 115 min read Read on X
📺 If you’ve ever seen the show “How I met your mother” you're familiar the game “Have you met Ted?” where Barney tries to introduce his friend Ted to a girl.

😎Well, we're going to play a variation of that game.

🌊So, have you met your SC Democratic Candidates?

➡️This thread will introduce a new candidate at least once a day, & give you the opportunity to get to know the people that want to represent you though their media.

➡️Check out their platforms, then volunteer, donate and VOTE! They need you to do your part!

📣Ok, First up: Have you met @JamesSmithSC ?

➡️He's a husband, father, Veteran and a proven leader.

👊🏽He'll fight for Veterans, Healthcare, Education, & the Environment.

☑️Check him out and donate here:

#BeAVoter #AGovernorForAllOfUs #SmithNorell
📣Next, have you met @JoeCunninghamSC for SC District 1?

➡️He's a husband, father, and lawyer.

👊🏽He'll fight for Healthcare, Equal Rights, the Environment and Voting Rights.

☑️Check him out and donate here:

#SCpol #OurKitchenTable #BeAVoter #GOTV
📣Next, have you met @VoteCarrigan for SC District 2?

➡️He's a husband, father, and Veteran.

👊🏽He'll fight for Healthcare, Equal Rights, Education and Criminal Justice Reform.

☑️Check him out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #LeaveNoOneBehind
📣Next, have you met @MaryGeren for SC District 3?

➡️She's a Wife, Mother, & Teacher.

👊🏽She'll fight for Healthcare, Equal Rights, Education and Sensible Gun Control.

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #CommonSenseSolutions #GOTV
📣Next, have you met @brown_congress for SC District 4?

➡️He's a husband, and community leader.

👊🏽He'll fight for Healthcare, Education and Fair Trade.

☑️Check him out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #PuttingThe4thFirst #GOTV
📣Next, have you met @Archie4Congress for SC District 5?

➡️He's a husband, father and lawyer.

👊🏽He'll fight for Healthcare, social security, environment and Fair Taxes.

☑️Check him out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #PalmettoPride
📣Next, have you met @ClyburnSC06 for SC District 6?

➡️He's a husband, father, activist & leader in Congress since 1993.

👊🏽He fights for Healthcare, Civil Rights and Fair Taxes.

☑️Check him out & donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #ABetterDeal
📣Next, have you met @RepRQWilliamsfor SC District 7?

➡️He's a Veteran, Humanitarian, SC State House Rep since 2007

👊🏽He fights for the Environment, Healthcare and Veterans.

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #PalmettoPride
📣Have you met @whittenburg4SOS for Secretary of State?

➡️He's a Veteran, Husband and Father

👊🏽He fights for Fair Economic Development and education.

☑️Check him out here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #WorkingTogetherLeadsToWinningTogether
📣Have you met @ethicsagain for Attorney General?

➡️She's a Wife, Mother, and Ethics Professor

👊🏽She'll fights for Ethics Reform, Women and Justice For All.

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #RestoringHonorAndTrustToSC
📣Have you met @RosalynforSC for Treasurer ?

➡️She's a Entrepreneur and Civic Leader

👊🏽She'll fight for Fiscal Responsibility and Ethics in Government

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BigChallengesRealSolutions
📣Have you met @israel09r for Superintendent Of Education?

➡️He's a lawyer and writer

👊🏽He'll fight for Safer Schools, Teacher Unions, Training for Teachers

☑️Check him out here on Twitter or LinkedIn

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV
📣Have you met @jgaulinSChouse for SC HD2 ?

➡️She's a Wife, Mother, Community Organizer, Problem Solver

👊🏽She'll fight for Public Education, Healthcare, Infrastructure

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #OconeeCo #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @ILoveLucy4D10 for SC HD10 ?

➡️She's a Mom, Community Organizer, Entrepreneur, Author

👊🏽She'll fight for Better Schools, Better Roads, Stronger Small Businesses

☑️Check her out & donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met J. Anne Parks for SC HD12 ?

➡️She's a Entrepreneur, Community Activist, SC Representative since 1999

👊🏽She fights for Medical, Military, Public/Municipal Affairs

☑️Check her out & donate here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @MichaelGaskinSC for SC HD13 ?

➡️He's a Husband, Father, and a Veteran

👊🏽He'll fight to Protect the Environment, Strengthen Small Business, & Invest in Education

☑️Check him out & donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @jamooreforsc15 for SC HD15 ?

➡️He's a Progressive political & community leader.

👊🏽He'll fight for Economic Opportunity, Affordable Housing, Quality Education

☑️Check him out & donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @Judi4SChouse for SC HD17?

➡️She's a Wife, Mother, Community Leader

👊🏽She'll fight to Improve Education, Fight Hunger, Support Clean Energy

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #Leadership
📣Have you met @Countonforsc for SC HD19?

➡️She's a Wife & Professor, Cat Rescuer 😸

👊🏽She'll fight for Education, Livable Wage, and Healthcare

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #AdoptDontShop
📣Have you met @chandradillard for SC HD23?

➡️She's a Community Leader, Representative since 2008

👊🏽She fights for the Environment, Education, the Homeless

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met Leola Robinson-Simpson for SC HD25?

➡️She's a Physician, Wife, Mother, Representative since 2012

👊🏽She fights for Healthcare, Infrastructure, Economic Development, Environmental Protection

☑️Check her out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter
📣Have you met @JohnSpiroSpero for SC HD26 ?

➡️He's a dad, a husband, a dog rescuer, a historian, & a small business owner.

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Voting Rights, Clean Energy

☑️Check him out & donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @RepRosHM for SC HD31?

➡️She's a lawyer, community activist, and leader

👊🏽She fights for Affordable Housing, Public Education & Domestic Violence Prevention

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met@pendarvisfor35 for SC HD35?

➡️She's a Paralegal, Wife, Mother, Community Activist

👊🏽She'll fight for Living Wage, Small Business and Government Accountability

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Tom Hawk for SC HD43 ?

➡️He's a Retired Teacher, Father, and Veteran

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, and Medical Cannabis

☑️Check him out & donate here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #canabisismedicine
📣Have you met @corinforhouse for SC HD45?

➡️She's a Leader in her Community and a Problem Solver

👊🏽She'll fight for Healthcare, Veterans, Education, Living Wage

☑️Check her out here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met @carlkdicks for SC HD46 ?

➡️He's a Father, Civic Leader, Veteran

👊🏽He'll fight for Veterans and active Military, Education

☑️Check him out on Facebook

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Vickie Holt for SC HD48?

➡️She's a Mother, Problem Solver

👊🏽She'll fight for Sensible Gun Laws, Healthcare, Education

☑️Check her out here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊 #VoteLikeAMother
📣Have you met @repjohnrcking for SC HD49 ?

➡️He's a Community Leader, Representative since 2008

👊🏽He'll fight for Military, Education, Healthcare

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Rep. Will Wheeler for SC HD50?

➡️He's a Lawyer, Husband, Father, Representative since 2016

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Economic Development,

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Rep. J. David Weeks for SC HD51?

➡️He's an Attorney, Husband, Father, Representative since 2000

👊🏽He'll fight for Infrastructure, Taxes

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @LS_Funderburk for SC HD52?

➡️She's an Attorney and Small Business Owner

👊🏽She'll fight for Economic Development and Education

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met @pathenegan54 for SC HD54?

➡️She's a Wife, Mother, Retired Teacher, Representative since 2014

👊🏽She'll fight for Economic Development and Education

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met Rep. Jackie Hays for SC HD55?

➡️He's a Husbad, Father, Representative since 1998

👊🏽He'll fight for Better Education for South Carolina!

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #EducationCannotWait
📣Have you met Rep. Lucas Atkinson for SC HD57?

➡️He's a Civic Leader and a Representative since 2016

👊🏽He'll fight for Education and Economic Development

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @PaulLorenson for SC HD58?

➡️He's a Problem Solver!

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Criminal Justice and Economic Development

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #HorryCo
📣Have you met Terry Alexander for SC HD59?

➡️He's a Pastor, Husband, Father, Representative since 2006

👊🏽He'll fight for Economic Development and Healthcare

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Devon Long for SC HD60?

➡️He's a Pastor, Husband, Community Leader

👊🏽He'll fight for Immigration, Education, Living Wage, Criminal Justice Reform, Womens Rights

☑️Check him out here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @KirbySCDem61 for SC HD61?

➡️He's a Realtor, Commissioner, Representative since 2014

👊🏽He'll fight for Economic Development, Infrastructure, Education

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @Brankfor63 for SC HD63?

➡️He's a Gun Sense Candidate!

👊🏽He'll fight for Civil Rights, Sensible Gun Laws, End Corruption in Government, Education

☑️Check him out and donate here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #GunSenseNow
📣Have you met Rep Robert L. Ridgeway III (I) for SC HD64?

➡️He's a Physician, Firefighter, Husband, Father, Veteran

👊🏽He'll fight for Legislative Oversight, Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter
📣Have you met @GCobbHunter for SC HD66?

➡️She's a Social Work Administrator, Natl. DNC Committeewoman, Representative since 1992

👊🏽She'll fight for Civil Rights, Economic Development

☑️Check her out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Beth Ann Rocheleau for SC HD69?

➡️She's a Teacher running for the House!

👊🏽She'll fight for Healthcare, Education, the Environment, Sensible Gun Laws

☑️Check her out and donate here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #Education
📣Have you met Wendy Brawley for SC HD70?

➡️She's a Publisher, Wife, Mother, Representative since 2017

👊🏽She'll fight for Education, Infrastructure, Environment

☑️Check her out and donate here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #Education
📣Have you met @SethRoseSC for SC HD72?

➡️He's an Attorney, Husband, Father

👊🏽He'll fight for Civil Rights, Environment, Criminal Justice Reform

☑️Check him out here:

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met Rep Chris Hart for SC HD73?

➡️He's an Attorney, Teacher, Veteran, Rep Since 2006

👊🏽He'll fight for Solar Energy, Economic Development

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met @RepRutherford for SC HD74?

➡️He's an Attorney, Business Owner, Father

👊🏽He'll fight for Civil Rights, Environment, Immigration

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met John Crangle for SC HD75?

➡️He's an Attorney

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Healthcare, Government Reform

☑️Check him out here:

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met @leonhowardsc76 for SC HD76?

➡️He's an Business owner, Representative since 1994

👊🏽He'll fight for Veterans, Healthcare, Education, Diversity

☑️Check him out and donate here:

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met @kambrellgarvin for SC HD77?

➡️He's a Husband, Community Activist, Teacher

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Economic Development, Healthcare, Criminal Justice Reform

☑️Check him out and donate here:

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @beth4house for SC HD78?

➡️She's a Lawyer, Wife, Mom, Community Activist

👊🏽She'll fight for Education, Crime Prevention, Taxes, Environment

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #Education
📣Have you met @IvoryThigpen for SC HD79?

➡️He's a Husband, Father, Chiropractor

👊🏽He'll fight for Healthcare, Ease Racial tensions, Public Saftey, Stop Drug & domestic abuse

☑️Check him out and donate here:

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Jimmy Bales for SC HD80?

➡️He's a Husband, Father, Educator, Veteran

👊🏽He'll fight for Infrastructure, Healthcare

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @EliseFoxforSC for SC HD81?

➡️She's a Engineer, Scientist, Mother, Wife

👊🏽She'll fight for Education, Economy, Environment, Ethics

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #Education #ScienceIsReal
📣Have you met William Clyburn Sr. for SC HD82?

➡️He's aFather, Husband, Representative since 1994

👊🏽He'll fight for Healthcare for all of us!

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave🌊
📣Have you met @CsraLocal for SC HD84?

➡️She's a Mother, Businesswoman, advocate

👊🏽She'll fight for Education, Economy, Healthcare,Government/Criminal Justice Reform

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave
📣Have you met @VoteSamEdwards for SC HD85?

➡️She's a Small Business Owner, Community Organizer

👊🏽She'll fight for Healthcare, Infrastructure, Energy, Environmental Protection

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Diane Summers for SC HD87?

➡️She's a Physician, Wife, Mother, Community Organizer

👊🏽She'll fight for Infrastructure, Healthcare, Education

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met @JustinBamberg for SC HD90?

➡️He's been a Representative since 2014!

👊🏽He's fighting for Infrastructure, Economic Development, Education

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave🌊
📣Have you met Lonnie Hosey for SC HD91?

➡️He's a Veteran, Husband, Father, Representative since 1998

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Environment, Infrastructure Healthcare

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BluWave 🌊
Y'all! I'm tired, can you tell? 🤣 Lonnie's handle is @LonnieHosey . Please go check him out and give him a follow and support!
📣Have you met @reprussellott for SC HD93?

➡️He's a Father, Representative since 2013

👊🏽He'll fight for bipartisan solutions for South Carolina's problems

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BluWave 🌊
📣Have you met Damian Daly for SC HD94?

➡️He's a Husband, Father, Teacher

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Living Wage

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BluWave 🌊
📣Have you met @jerrygovan for SC HD95?

➡️He's a Veteran, Husband, Father, Educator, Representative since 1992

👊🏽He'll fight for education, healthcare

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BluWave 🌊
📣Have you met @RobertrlvL for SC HD96?

➡️He's a Minister, NFPA Member, Director of Plant Operations: National HealthCare of Lexington and a Father

👊🏽He'll fight to find the common ground

☑️Check him out on Facebook or LinkedIn

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Patsy Knight for SC HD97?

➡️She's been a Representative since 2006!

👊🏽She'll fight for Education, Economic Development, Infrastructure

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met @JenforSC for SC HD99?

➡️She's a Mother, Wife, Progressive, Small Business Owner,

👊🏽She'll fight for Education, Economic Empowerment, Sustainable Infrastructure

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @Publicservant82 for SC HD100?

➡️He's a Veteran, Husband, Father

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Infrastructure, Affordable Housing

☑️Check him out and donate…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @cezarmcknight for SC HD101?

➡️He's a Lawyer, Father

👊🏽He'll fight for Sensible Gun Laws, Civil Rights, Education

☑️Check him out and donate here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Rep Joseph Jefferson Jr. for SC HD102?

➡️He's a Husband, Father, Representative since 2004

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Environment, Infrastructure Healthcare

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @RepCLAnderson for SC HD103?

➡️He's a Husband, Father, Representative since 2005

👊🏽He'll fight for Safe Infrastructure

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @Robingause106 for SC HD106?

➡️She's a Wife, Mother, Healthcare Practioner,

👊🏽She'll fight for Gun Reform, Healthcare, Veterans, Living Wages

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #BeTheChange #FightLikeAMother #GOTV
📣Have you met David Mack for SC HD109?

➡️He's a Husband, Father, Representative Since 1996

👊🏽He'll fight for Civil Rights, Healthcare, Environment

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @votebenpogue for SC HD110?

➡️He's a Father, Husband, Lawyer

👊🏽He'll fight against Overdevelopment, Flooding, SCE&G

☑️Check him out here:

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #EnvironmentalHealth
📣Have you met @WgillyG for SC HD111?

➡️He's a Father, Civic Organizer, Union Member, Representative since 2009

👊🏽He'll fight for Economich Development,Education, Healthcare

☑️Check him out here:

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @preston4progres for SC HD112?

➡️He's a Husband, Father, Former Firefighter

👊🏽He'll fight for Criminal Justice Reform, Economy, Education, Environment

☑️Check him out & DONATE here:

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #MyFriendJoe
📣Have you met @Rep_Pendarvis for SC HD113?

➡️He's a Lawyer for good & a Representative since 2007

👊🏽He'll fight for Economic Equality, Affordable Housing, Education,

☑️Check him out & DONATE here:…

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave🌊
📣Have you met @DanPJones114 for SC HD114?

➡️He's a Husband, Father, Film Maker

👊🏽He'll fight for Education, Infrastructure, Environment

☑️Check him out & DONATE here:

#SCPol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave🌊
📣Have you met @CarolTempel for SC HD115?

➡️She's a Mother, Small Business Owner

👊🏽She'll fight for Education, Healthcare, Fair Wages, Infrastructure

☑️Check her out and donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊 #VoteLikeAMom
📣Have you met @simmons_krystle for SC HD117?

➡️She's a Mother, Community Organizer

👊🏽She'll fight for Fair Taxes, Education, Infrastructure, Gun Reform

☑️Check her out & donate here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave #FightLikeAMom
📣Have you met @leonstav for SC HD119?

➡️He's a Dad Husband Attorney, Representative since 2006

👊🏽He'll fight for Infrastructure, Economic Development, Education, Government Ethics

☑️Check him out here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met Gabriela Failing for SC HD120?

😳Neither have we. But we'd love to know more!

➡️ If you have any information about this candidate, please let us know! OR ask her to reach out to us, we'd love to help!

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange #BlueWave 🌊
📣Have you met Michael Rivers for SC HD121?

➡️He's a Veteran, Father, Representative since 2016

👊🏽He'll fight for Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @shedronw122 for SC HD122?

➡️He's a Community Organizer

👊🏽He'll fight for Taxes, Education, Workforce Development

☑️Check him out here:…

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Have you met @MartinezForSC for SC HD123?

➡️He's a Father, Huband, Long time Democrat

👊🏽He'll fight for Immigration Reform

☑️Check him out here:

#SCpol #BeAVoter #GOTV #BeTheChange
📣Well, that's all I have! Thanks for sticking with me!

🔁PLEASE RT all of these tweets that you can.

🔀PLEASE FOLLOW & RT all of these candidates. They NEED our help to turn SC BLUE!

💵Please DONATE to anyone that you can.

❣️Much Love❣️

➡️And don't forget to VOTE!
📣And candidates mentioned in this thread: if you are not letting out group work for you yet, You should!

➡️DM me (@MadelyneRants ) @AviFlyGirl or @IsaiahAProphet so we can help you promote your campaign!
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