I’m emotional after watching this interview w/ @Jim_Jordan. What is being done to him is awful. . Having worked in law enforcement for 20 years & having a master’s degree in Criminology, I got the chills when Rosenstein was reacting to Jordan’s questions.
I have been saying ever since watching it, I saw a really chilling demeanor change w/ Rosenstein’s body language, eye movement/glare & tone of voice. Plus, he almost slipped up & said he was the AG... When a sociopath is challenged, their response is identical to Rosenstein’s.
It does not surprise me that these outrageous allegations came out just after that hearing. I worried about him after seeing Rosenstein’s reaction to him. Please support @Jim_Jordan at this rough time. He has been a true warrior & patriot & has had our backs. #StandWithJimJordan
@emrata Hmmm While I felt that the letter should have been turned immediately over to law enforcement when received & I believe Kavanaugh to be innocent, I definitely know the words of fragile or emotional being flung at a women is common practice, at least in my case.
@emrata I was an @FBI agent for 16 years. I worked the worst terrorism cases 1997-2013. I had innovative operations & stopped more terrorist attacks than the average FBI agent can say. Because I was good at my job. However, in 2012, I worked for two male chauvinist pigs.
@emrata@FBI The boss, who stated I was too fragile after my divorce & remarked I was emotional. Further, he said I held myself & others to extremely high standards. He meant that as a negative. I guess he hated a strong woman kicking ass while he shoved french fries in his fat mouth.
A little explanation of an @FBI background investigation: The person under investigation is usually going to be having extensive access to very sensitive and possibly classified information. The MSM is playing it like the background investigation is a minor thing. It’s not.
It is a thorough investigation that goes back a few decades. In light of the recent issues with the Bu, I doubt Wray would let anyone dictate what amount of time was sufficient. The time was most likely discussed before it was announced.
I know if it was my squad, as an FBI SSA, I would have already been pulling the files and reviewed them for how thoroughly they were done and had any questions been ignored or not followed to a logical conclusion.
This is huge. The McCabe memos, if typed on a computer, should also have the full metadata info with them. The Woods file is where each & every “fact” in the FISA application is justified with a document. No skimping! I had one of these done on a 5 yr wire. Each application!
Every application must have this. Renewals included. On an USPER, it was every 90 days when I had a “Woods Review” & a “minimization review”. DOJ came to Newark with around 3 attorneys. When I brought an actual shopping cart with just the 1st year, another 5 showed up from DOJ
What is hysterical is my OGC attorney to defend anything was none other than @FBI OPR AD Candice Will. We got along great! She heard about the obnoxious hours I worked. She saw my work ethic. She must have amnesia because she went after me with venomous letters. @mgdick7
Just reading the messages people have sent me on Go Fund Me! is so helpful. I am stressing over trying to get a law firm/lawyer to take my very complicated case is tough! If I have to file this Pro Se and go to law school while waiting for the process, I just may do it!
I’m not supposed to stress or I could end up in the hospital like before. My primary care doctor said in his 31 years of practice, he has never seen anyone survive 4.1 hemoglobin. My last test has me at 11.2!!! I’m not sure but I think this falls into the normal range for women!
I wasn’t amused by getting the notification that EEOC OFO ruled in favor of the FBI on pure lies! Goes to show you who is running the government deep state!
Note this is a 2017 case. If you are a federal employee, you can count on filing in 2012 & getting an EEOC OFO ruling in late 2018, citing actions not taken by me but proof the actions were taken in case file aka didn’t read the case but ruled against me! al.com/news/mobile/in…
Yup, look at the motion for discovery filed in 2014 Your Honour! It specifically requests an UNREDACTED ROI. Why in the hell should that be necessary to have in my case. That should have been given to me in the original ROI.
You see, the @FBI redacted so much of the Report of Investigation, My Attorney & I had to guess what the accepted issues were. @fbi@TheJusticeDept over-classify Information they don’t want you to see, with no regard of guidelines for classification.