Valiant_defender ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #STOPHUMANTRAFFICKING Profile picture
Former FBI SSA; 20+ yrs law enforce. Sr Fellow Gold Institute & LCPR Blocked by Peter Strzok!
EricStoner Profile picture Twitter author Profile picture Debra Matheny(Koski) ⭐⭐⭐ #ISTANDWITHGENFLYNN Profile picture Silver Profile picture ⭐️⭐️⭐️ HOLD THE LINE #KRAKEN TRUMP2020 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Profile picture 48 subscribed
Oct 8, 2018 25 tweets 23 min read
@emrata Hmmm While I felt that the letter should have been turned immediately over to law enforcement when received & I believe Kavanaugh to be innocent, I definitely know the words of fragile or emotional being flung at a women is common practice, at least in my case. @emrata I was an @FBI agent for 16 years. I worked the worst terrorism cases 1997-2013. I had innovative operations & stopped more terrorist attacks than the average FBI agent can say. Because I was good at my job. However, in 2012, I worked for two male chauvinist pigs.
Oct 8, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
A little explanation of an @FBI background investigation: The person under investigation is usually going to be having extensive access to very sensitive and possibly classified information. The MSM is playing it like the background investigation is a minor thing. It’s not. It is a thorough investigation that goes back a few decades. In light of the recent issues with the Bu, I doubt Wray would let anyone dictate what amount of time was sufficient. The time was most likely discussed before it was announced.
Oct 5, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
This is huge. The McCabe memos, if typed on a computer, should also have the full metadata info with them. The Woods file is where each & every “fact” in the FISA application is justified with a document. No skimping! I had one of these done on a 5 yr wire. Each application! Every application must have this. Renewals included. On an USPER, it was every 90 days when I had a “Woods Review” & a “minimization review”. DOJ came to Newark with around 3 attorneys. When I brought an actual shopping cart with just the 1st year, another 5 showed up from DOJ
Oct 4, 2018 9 tweets 8 min read
Oct 1, 2018 8 tweets 3 min read
Just reading the messages people have sent me on Go Fund Me! is so helpful. I am stressing over trying to get a law firm/lawyer to take my very complicated case is tough! If I have to file this Pro Se and go to law school while waiting for the process, I just may do it! I’m not supposed to stress or I could end up in the hospital like before. My primary care doctor said in his 31 years of practice, he has never seen anyone survive 4.1 hemoglobin. My last test has me at 11.2!!! I’m not sure but I think this falls into the normal range for women!
Sep 30, 2018 23 tweets 12 min read
Note this is a 2017 case. If you are a federal employee, you can count on filing in 2012 & getting an EEOC OFO ruling in late 2018, citing actions not taken by me but proof the actions were taken in case file aka didn’t read the case but ruled against me!… Yup, look at the motion for discovery filed in 2014 Your Honour! It specifically requests an UNREDACTED ROI. Why in the hell should that be necessary to have in my case. That should have been given to me in the original ROI.
Sep 29, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Here are my talking points I was going to use on Fox and Friends this morning:

I’m perplexed by the continued request for an FBI investigation. They have already done a few background investigations on him.

#ReinstateRobynGritz The longer this drags on, in this political climate, allows for more false allegations to come forward and eat up the FBI’s resources and time, there by placing real investigations in jeopardy. #ReinstateRobynGritz
Sep 28, 2018 11 tweets 5 min read
@SenateDems @HouseJudDems @JudiciaryDems I want to know where you have been the last few decades for female @FBI Agents? I have gotten help only by @ChuckGrassley @DevinNunes. I have lost everything, like other female agents when we stood up. Read the @JusticeOIG report…
Sep 27, 2018 10 tweets 10 min read
I am having to look for a law firm who will take my case into federal court. I am hoping to give a down payment and the rest would be contingency. Not like the first firm I had that charged me almost $50k to write one affidavit. @T_S_P_O_O_K_Y @AndrewCMcCarthy @SaraCarterDC @oann I have less than 90 days right now to file & I haven’t gotten confirmation from any of the law firms I have spoken with. This is going to be very costly. If I was Mccabe or Strzok I would have that cash via their Go Fund Me but I’m obviously not part of their club!
Sep 26, 2018 7 tweets 18 min read
@carterwpage I am an @FBI who had 16 years of a dedicated & decorated career destroyed by McCabe & others. I just got a not so good ruling out of @EEOC_OFO As I’m paging through it, the court used what @FBI provided as the basis for their ruling. @JudicialWatch @ChuckGrassley As I’m paging through, I see the 2 guys I worked with saying they counseled me on different occasions. Lies! This is what they do: Paper the file with Counseling forms & indicate Refused to Sign. They did it with another female agent I know. This lack of candor is a pattern!
Sep 24, 2018 16 tweets 7 min read
@Jim_Jordan @RepMattGaetz @DevinNunes @ChuckGrassley @RepGoodlatte I have contacted some of your offices. So did Jenny. We really need your help for the people who are working on vetted info provided by Jenny. I have received no response. @RandPaul @SenatorBurr @SenRonJohnson @SenScottBrown @replouiegohmert @SenRonJohnson @SenTedCruz @marcorubio @SteveScalise @SenateGOP @HouseGOP Please know our friend tried to get vetted information to people she felt should have it but was ignored.
Sep 23, 2018 42 tweets 10 min read
This is the crap that pisses me off. The FBIAA has screwed so many agents over and they need to put out a statement that they are opposed to the behavior being alleged against a small group. Instead, they act like an extension of the corrupt “leadership”. Here’s what has been told to me by numerous retired & former @FBI employees: The FBIAA contracts with a law firm in DC for legal representation of agents. What is not told is the FBIAA only pays part of the legal fees, the FBI pays the balance. Conflict of interest?
Sep 20, 2018 5 tweets 9 min read
@ValerieJarrett I wish someone stood up for me when I was retaliated against @FBI for filing an EEO discrimination complaint. Instead they viciously retaliated & pushed me out. Why am I not being defended? Oh, I don’t fit the agenda... @true_pundit @realDonaldTrump @DevinNunes @ChuckGrassley @ValerieJarrett @FBI @true_pundit @realDonaldTrump @DevinNunes @ChuckGrassley You can read about my story in this thread, written by @Debradelai…
Sep 20, 2018 16 tweets 11 min read
Then why does @JusticeOIG refuse to look at the circumstances of my case, requested by Grassley 4 times. My case is no longer an EEO. I’m going to again have to put out tens of thousands of dollars, if not more, to seek justice in the federal court process. Words are just words. I’m sick of people speaking at whistleblower conferences who are not held to their word. I have been trying to get @JusticeOIG to do something about @FBI for about 5 years. I have the letters that say what I reported did not rise to the level of further investigation
Sep 13, 2018 4 tweets 6 min read
@AndrewCMcCarthy Kerry left @HelpBobLevinson behind in the deal. I don’t know why. With the Obama crime spree, I question everything. I dealt with extensive obstruction trying to bring Bob home. I worry Kerry wants to ensure Bob doesn’t come home. Maybe Bob knows something they don’t want out? @AndrewCMcCarthy @HelpBobLevinson…
Sep 11, 2018 20 tweets 5 min read
I remember that day so clearly. I was on surveillance about an hour out when my mom called me about the first plane, then all of a sudden the second plane hit. I told her I loved her and I had to go. I followed a line of NJSP all the way up the turnpike… What usually took me an hour to an hour & a half took me about 35-40 minutes. I got into the FBI Newark Office & got brought up to speed when we were told a plane was taken that originated out of Newark airport. I think after being told that, we were all in shock.
Sep 9, 2018 6 tweets 5 min read
So. Who wants to be my attorney in federal court? Yup @EEOC_OFO is owned by the @FBI so I’m taking it to where EVERYTHING IS PUBLIC RECORD! @TheJusticeDept @JusticeOIG Yes it will come out how you ignored my complaints years ago. Look what we are dealing with now! I love how those fuckers get to slow walk for six years and then when they rule, they ignore extremely important motions from 2014. And give me either 30 days to ask for OFO to reconsider the case because the judge stated several majorly inaccuracies in his ruling.
Sep 5, 2018 8 tweets 4 min read
I wanted to ensure everyone knew that I got some bad news on my case. The @EEOC_OFO Judge found in favor of the FBI in one of the weakest orders I & my attorney have ever seen.… Ignored the laws & ODNI & USG policies the @FBI broke. Was told by a retired female agent that an FBI attorney told her the FBI owns EEOC & the only way to get anywhere is go to federal court.…
Sep 3, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
I’m hearing there are individuals who feel it necessary to say negative & false things about me lately. On Twitter, YouTube etc. They can bite me! I just got out of the hospital after a very scary experience. Dave Acton, @lifttheveil411, @GeorgWebb @marcusconte My stress level needs to be lowered. Therefore, if this shit continues, I will eliminate my social media presence. I have way too much going on to deal with this nonsense. @true_pundit @csthetruth @T_S_P_O_O_K_Y @1citizenpundit
Aug 29, 2018 13 tweets 4 min read
I watched the Lift the Veil video many people sent to me. Unfortunately, I have been ill for about ten days and haven’t had time to watch until now. He has so many facts incorrect and not all his fault but mostly his own conspiracy theories clouding the truth. Not worth my time more than I will put here. @OANN got a few things wrong which fed this guy. I was never assigned to DIA. I knew Flynn from back in 2005 working terrorism in Iraq. Flynn was one of many people who stood in support of me. Free Mason thing, not my words.
Aug 28, 2018 5 tweets 4 min read
I have never been so embarrassed by my former agency than I am now, after this story. I kept the hope alive and still do. But this is pushing me into a really uncomfortable place. Moffa was part of the inner circle of McCabe’s seditious regime.… Others looked the other way & most have still not come forward. I’m talking about others who were in meetings, heard the rumors of wrongdoing and kept quiet. Those people need to be fired as well.