I am proud to present #brexit RYMES thread or brexit for kids hope you all like them
Little blue peep tried to follow the sheep but they didn't know where they were going leave all alone to go it alone themselves off the Cliff theyl be throwing
Cam cam the Eton man buggered it up so away he ran under his arm he carried a porky pig with whom he liked to go Jiggety Jig #Brexit#brexitRYMES
As a #leavernow I must acknowledge that if #brexit fails it will be my two years of ceaseless remoaning that will be to blame
The people who warned Communists that their ideas would not work in practice secretly worked to sabotage the idea just to be proved right so they were sent to the gulag as a #leavernow I acknowledge that if Nissan closed it will be the people who warned it would happen 2 blame
every attempt to implement Communism was similarly sabotaged by 5th columnists who warned leaders of the people of problems were proved right even police states and labour camps could not irradcate subversive thought crime
#brexit seems to be all about feeling over fact and this is especially true of the ReesMogg ERG faction of the Tory right.
I never bought the line that #brexit is about Democracy because most of the Tory right had zero enthusiasm for improving democracy in the UK few of them care about unelected house of lords the unfair FPTP electoral system or transparency on the contrary
Most of the Tory right are interested only in constitutional changes that suit them and if anything strive to be as little democratically accountable as possible.
remainers if we are to accept #brexit then it must be the brexit promised by vote leave for none other is the will of the people
the promised #brexit must be have no downsides only a considerable upside as @David_Davis_UK promised
the promised #must deliver an additional £350mpw for the NHS some say £100mpw rebate and EU spending in UK make this impossible however if the EU give us £200mpw alimony this promise will be fulfilled and any acceptable brexit deal must deliver this
As a #leavernow it is pleasing to see the no deal #Brexit that all 17 million people voted for being delivered
With jaguar landrover relocating to Slovakia it is wonderful see the groundswell against the car industry which was a key part of the reason for #Brexit being heeded this will be especially welcome in Sunderland which voted 63% leave and has Nissan and want rid
A no deal #Brexit will ground flights as a #leavernow i know leave voters will welcome this. Aviation attracted much resentment in the years up to the ref because it made it too easy for foreigners to come here #Brexit was intended to destroy the successful uk aviation industry