Deuce VERY funny/smart
twattered bc he pissed off the wrong Lefties
Scott is a #2A Normie Dad from the Woods of NC
but wicked smart and common-sense
He got hacked by a lefty, who deleted all his 5k Fws
3/ Did you miss today's (July 12th) Strzok's hearing on the House ?
Too bad nobody Tweetstormed the whole 10 hours.....except one guy did. @Shem_Infinite
191 tweets
Better then any coverage from any media
3/ Did you miss today's (July 12th) Strzok's hearing on the House ?
Too bad nobody Tweetstormed the whole 10 hours.....except one guy did. @Shem_Infinite
191 tweets
Better then any coverage from any media
When they finally come out into the public sunlight to make their case regarding Trump/Russia, they are making themselves - and their arguments - into a complete disaster
12/ "Republican candidate Josh Hawley said it should be an "urgent priority" to keep all types of guns away from the mentally ill "while protecting citizens' constitutional right to keep and bear arms."
12/ "Right now, there are too many mental health records falling through the cracks," Hawley said. "Congress had the chance to solve this problem and failed. We must act now."
12/ Hawley said enhanced school security options should be considered, such as programs "to train and arm security personnel," video monitoring of entrances and metal detectors.
12/ "Hawley, Missouri's attorney general, said in a statement to AP that he also favors a ban on bump stocks."👇…
Meh, Yuck.
I disagree w/ Hawley here
vs @AP4Liberty wants 100% Amnesty and is a #NeverTrumper👇
13/ Tim Plymel is what Makes America Great.
It's Deplorables Like Him who DNGAF about anything.
He'd fight God for the Laughs.
He'll Fight Democrats to the End.
16/ . 1. This Is DOJ Obstruction 2. Strzok Somehow Came Off Even Worse Than He Did In His Texts 3. Democrats Run Interference 4. DOJ Clearly Hiding Its Relationship With Democratic-Funded Smear Group 5. The Mystery Of Why The Investigation Started
22/ ROSENSTEIN: "There's no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There's no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result."
37/ % of followers lost in yesterday’s Twitter bot cleanup
Jack Dorsey 5.2%
Oprah 3.4%
Kanye West 2.8%
Barack Obama 2.3%
LeBron James 2.1%
Bill Gates 1.9%
NY Times 1.7%
Alex Jones 1.6%
Narendra Modi 0.6%
Hillary Clinton 0.6%
Elon Musk 0.4%
Donald Trump 0.4%
1- Are Socialists 2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed. 3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
1/ .
Newsday --- September 21th, 2018 --- Fri
Nov 6th, 2018
46 Days Until Mid-Terms
Daily Reminder That Democrats...
1- Are Socialists 2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed. 3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
2/ .
Newsday --- September 21th, 2018 --- Fri
Nov 6th, 2018
46 Days Until Mid-Terms
I am adopting "The Wictor Block" Rule:
Be smart/playful/sincere....Feels Good Man
You come at me too hard and aggressively....looking for a response:
I will Block and Move On.