(1) If you are like me, you probably didn't know that the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand had an Intelligence Sharing agreement called "5 EYES".
(2) They use this agreement to illegally spy on their citizens, circumventing their own legislations. And now, they were caught trying to criminally unseat a legitimate US president.
(3) It all began back in WWII, when the fate of the free world pretty much depended on the Allies' ability to intercept the Nazi German electronic communications.
(4) That basically meant telegraph and radio messages. Of course, those messages were transmitted in code, so the decryption of these codes was a major necessity.
(5) The British turned out to be very good at that, and they assembled a team, which included women, in their Government Code and Cipher School, in Bletchley Park.
(7) This was possible because the British countered the progressive mechanization of the German encryption capabilities with their own decryption machines.
(9) Access to German comms may have shortened the war for more than two years, and was a vital instrument to victory. This Intel, of course, had to be shared between the allies.
(10) In 1941, the Atlantic Charter was drafted, then the Brusa Agreement. In 1946, the UKUSA Agreement, the basis for all signal intelligence cooperation between the US and the UK.
(11) With the advent of the Cold War, the need for Intel gathering intensified, and massive capabilities were built, that would later be misused to spy against ordinary citizens.
(12) In 1955, the UKUSA was expanded - with the inclusion of Canada, Australia and New Zealand - as the AUSCANNZUKUS agreement, or the "5 EYES - FVEY."
(14) Seems unlikely, but I found this futuristic fictional article about how the 5 Eyes "died". I learned here that the head of British GCHQ resigned 5 days after POTUS' inauguration.
(15) In April, we learn from Q that not only where the 5 Eyes conducting illegal surveillance of POTUS and his people, but they were also trying to infiltrate the team, and frame them.
(16) How bad is that? Well, pretty bad. We are talking about 21 Intel agencies, including some of the most experienced, skilled and well equipped in the world.
(17) This article deals with the - by now - widely known fact that BHO used British Intel to illegally spy on POTUS in a way that didn't leave a trace of evidence leading to him.
(20) See this 2013 interview with Edward Snowden, about how it has turned into a "supra-national intelligence organization that doesn't answer to the known laws of its own countries"
(21) In this May Q drop, we learn that New Zealand has donated to the moribund C Foundation, AND that former dignitaries (D's) retain their security clearance to see the 5 Eyes Intel.
If Bolsonaro wins in the first round for president, the left will have been demolished.
#Electionday in #Brazil#GreatAwakening (2) Impeached former predisent Dilma, that miraculously got her political rights re-installed and searched a Senate seat in Minas Gerains, seems to have flopped and ended up in 4th place.
(3) In virtually all major state runs Exit Polls show a clear tilt to the right regarding what the previous fake polls showed. This leads me to expect Bolsonaro to attain 50%+ of votes and win the presidential race in the first round.
Today I voted on the most unapologetic conservative chandidates that I have in my entire life.
My candidate for president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, on the verge of being elected in this first round of voting is NUMBER 17. 👾
halfway through, he is on the brink of victory.
I have reason to believe that he will be just shy of victory in the first round, with some 48-49%. It will be a short but bloody battle until late October against the PT socialists and all the politically correct peeps.
STILL: a night of conservative FORCE around the country.
(2) We will read the Q drops to learn about the biggest judicial operation in history, both in scope and size. We will also notice how we Q folks are very well informed, and always ahead of the curve.
(3) We need two mindsets for this journey. The first is this: remember that 60% of #TheStorm is secret, and only 40% of the operation is happening in the open.
it's getting great! This is one of the most important Q quotes that informs our following of this HUGE and historical judicial effort that's going on since November.