In addition to all the #Pride this weekend saw 3x mass events: London anti-Trump; Edinburgh anti-Trump plus around 200k at Durham Miners Gala. The point is now to unite these forces into a movement...
2/ People stuck in political tribes and structures often forget the transformative power of mass demonstrations. These mobilised Labour, Green, Libdems and SNP/Plaid - plus masses of working class people from the North of England...
3/ The first question is not "how does Labour capitalise on it" - though it should; it's how do we find ways of uniting progressive forces to defend democracy, press freedom and rule of law in the face of Trump/Brexit?
4/ Once we see what Trump does with Putin we'll know the true scale of the attack on multilateralism - see here for analysis:…
5/ Here's my outline of what Labour, Libdems and progressive nationalists could unite on: a) a second referendum b) vote down Brexit white paper c) joint mobilisations for these two objectives d) break up right wing media monopolies...
6/ short term unity list continued... e) stigmatise racism and xenophobic narratives; f) regime change at Brexit Broadcasting Corporation - end editorial policy of suppressing debate about Brexit because "a done deal" - May clear that not leaving is on agenda
7/ Spent 4 days in Durham/Northeast - not just with pro-Labour ppl on Miners Gala but in wider civil society: confirms what Labour MPs reporting. No surge of regret among Leave voters for Leave -
8/ The Tory poll collapse is entirely the "betrayal" narrative and is coming from the golf clubs as well as the left-behind towns. "If we cannot have the nationalist fantasy we're no longer interested in the Tories"...
9/ When Robinson gets out of jail he will likely join UKIP, and backed by Trump's State Department and Bannon's money (yes pinch yourself) relaunch far right project around no-deal/betrayal narrative...
10/ Do not fear either authoritarian xenophobes or the far right. Durham Miners Gala showed, majority of working class people ready to resist fascism and racism and defend minorities, democracy and human rights. Didn't make these banners for nothing!
• • •
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Thread on #DeadChequers ... 1/ It's clear this morning that May is going to be pushed to ask for a Canada-style free trade agreement. She will use DUP and absence of Stormont Assembly to push through hard border. That's all in the Tory DNA...
2/~ The medium term effects of a Canada+ FTA will be to tank the economy and industrial investment flight. The UK will then fall apart, as United Ireland referendum and Scottish independence loom...
3/~ There is no section of British business that actively wants No Deal. Few have interests aligned to a Canada+ deal either. So: for Labour the way is open for a hegemonic offer. Norway+ and a second referendum...
May's #SalzburgSNAFU ... never mind she was visibly distressed: so will the UK's auto and aerospace workers be when their plants shutdown in case of the looming No Deal crisis she has inadvertently unleashed.... 1/~
2/~ The Conservative party has three options: stick with this administration of clowns; ditch May and attempt a Canada-style deal with/without NI backstop; or call an election around a Norway-style deal, facing down the ERG and the UKIP entryists...
3/~ Labour, meanwhile, has the opportunity to create a hegemonic moment: spell out Norway-based alternative on White Paper and offer a second referendum on any deal. It's clear only Labour or Labour+ govt can move UK on from Brexit...
Good that Tory party investigating @BorisJohnson Islamophobia. Yesterday I said he still has time to choose: Bannon or liberal conservatism. 1/ I mean it sincerely...…
2/ When it comes to antisemitism or Islamophobia or plain racism, I am interested in confronting the arguments and the logic and changing people's minds - not condemning them to a forever exile... Here's why...…
3/ British plebeian racism is rooted in its colonial past and illusions peddled by nostalgics. There is every chance to stop that morphing into alt-right neofascism...…
Thread on Sky's Brexit poll. 1/ 27% for No Deal is still the basis for a right-wing revolt if Chequers, Norway or Remain is the outcome... all parties need to use statecraft to prevent emergence of AfD-style movement...…
2/ Sky poll suggests May is toast. Leadership challenge by 6 Sept or Tory conference becomes political carnage...
3/ 00ks of liberal-minded Conservatives have about 6 weeks to prevent their party becoming the no-deal Brexit party representing 27% (and falling) of the electorate ...
We're seeing two remarkable implosions of Anglosphere conservatism in real time. 1/ Theresa May just allowed a small group of xenophobic ultra-neoliberals to make her own policy on Brexit illegal. For real.
2/ She's also trying to get Parliament to close down so that the Tory infighting, which looks like a bad edition of the Jeremy Kyle Show, will disappear. The fact is, her government has no more authority and is finished.
3/ Meanwhile in the USA, Trump's secret conversation with Putin, leading to the agreement that Putin did not meddle in US election in face of various US intel agencies saying he did... leads to a similar implosion of the GOP....