We have reached the investment target of €315 billion under the European Fund for Strategic Investments! EFSI is set to trigger €335 billion of additional investment europa.eu/!wT74nd#investEU#EFSI
EFSI aims to mobilise private investment in strategic projects for the EU, ensuring that money reaches and boosts the real economy. We launched it with @EIB in 2015 under the Investment Plan for Europe - also called #JunckerPlan#investEU#EFSI
In practice, EFSI is a €33.5 billion guarantee from the EU and @EIB budgets. It enables EIB to provide financing to higher-risk projects than it normally would. It has led to major economic benefits, unlocking additional investment of €335 billion in three years #investEU#EFSI
The EU has financed projects which would not have been possible without the EFSI, and all without creating new debt: 2/3 of the investment comes from the private sector #investEU#EFSI
EFSI has an impact on the real economy. It is expected to create 1.4 million new jobs and increase EU GDP by 1.3% by 2020 #investEU#EFSI
How has the #JunckerPlan benefited citizens?
💻 15 million households with high-speed broadband
🏥 30 million Europeans benefit from better healthcare
🏘️ 500,000+ affordable houses built or renovated
🍃 7.4 million households supplied with renewable energy #investEU#EFSI
But EFSI isn’t over even if it has exceeded its original target. Given the success of the first phase, it has been extended until 2020 with an investment target of at least €500 billion #investEU#EFSI
What's new in EFSI 2.0?
→ More transparency on how projects receive support
→ Larger proportion of sustainable projects
→ New sectors: sustainable agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture
→ Greater focus on SMEs
→ Stronger assistance for businesses #investEU#EFSI
Who benefited the most from the European Fund for Strategic Investments? #investEU#EFSI
The main beneficiaries from #EFSI are:
📍Smaller companies - 31%
⚡️ Energy - 21%
🧪 Research, development and innovation – 21%
📱Digital - 11%
🚆 Transport - 8%
🍃Environment - 4%
🏘️ Social infrastructure - 4%
The next #EUelections2019 will take place in May.
We propose new rules to ensure that they are organised in a free and fair manner, and to better protect them from manipulation by third countries or private interests.
→ europa.eu/!fx67KH#SOTEU#EUprotects
To ensure that Europeans are able to make their political choices next May in fair and secure elections, our new set of measures focus on:
🛡️Data protection
⚖️Appropriate sanctions #SOTEU#EUelections2019
More in our factsheet ↓
Recent revelations have shown risks for citizens to have their data misused and be targeted by mass online disinformation campaigns.
We propose sanctions for the illegal use of personal data to deliberately influence elections.
→ europa.eu/!fx67KH#SOTEU#EUelections2019
“We cannot continue to squabble to find ad-hoc solutions each time a new ship arrives.”
During #SOTEU, President @JunckerEU proposed:
• A reinforced European Union Agency for Asylum
• A fully equipped #EUBorderGuard
• Stronger EU rules on return
• Legal migration #MigrationEU
We are proposing to equip the #EUBorderGuard with the operational capacity and powers needed to effectively support Member States on the ground.
The new standing corps of 10,000 operational staff will ensure that the EU has the necessary capabilities in place. #SOTEU#MigrationEU
We are proposing to reinforce the European Union Agency for Asylum to help Member States to process asylum applications swiftly, including through the deployment of migration management support teams. #MigrationEU #SOTEU
“We are proposing a new Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs between Europe and Africa. It would help create up to 10 million jobs in the next 5 years alone”, said President @JunckerEU during #SOTEU.
We propose to develop the numerous European-African trade agreements into a continent-to-continent free trade agreement, as an economic partnership between equals. #investGlobal#EUAfrica#SOTEU ↓
The goal of the new 'Africa-Europe Alliance' is to:
- Boost investment in Africa
- Strengthen trade
- Create jobs
- Invest in education and skills
- Enhance peace and security
More info on expected results → europa.eu/!XV87vV #EUAfrica#SOTEU
It's the final stretch before #SOTEU!
We caught @ClaraMartinezAl in the midst of preparation – straight after her briefing with colleagues based all over Europe.
Behind-the-scenes questions and answers with the Head of cabinet of President @JunckerEU ↓
EU-U.S. Joint Statement of 25 July: EU imports of U.S. liquefied natural gas are on the rise.
Since arrival of the first U.S. LNG carrier in April 2016 and today, EU imports of LNG from the U.S. have increased from 0 to 2.8 billion cubic meters. europa.eu/!QP48YV#EUtrade
President @JunckerEU and President @realDonaldTrump agreed to strengthen EU-U.S. strategic cooperation with respect to energy.
In this context, the EU would import more LNG from the U.S. to diversify and render its energy supply more secure.
The EU and the U.S. will therefore work to facilitate trade in liquefied natural gas.
The EU is ready to facilitate more imports of liquefied natural gas from the U.S. and this is already the case.
Got plans this summer?
Our EU travel checklist will give you the tips you need to make sure your travels are fun and safe! #EUandME ↓
Hit with delays or cancellations?
As an air, rail, ship or bus passenger, you have rights when travelling in the EU, such as compensation or reimbursements following delays.
Find out more and download our app here → europa.eu/!bg39vB#EUandME
When travelling in another EU country, you will be able to use your mobile phone and access online TV, film, sports, music or e-book subscriptions at no extra cost.
Discover your digital rights → europa.eu/!yJ99xh#EUandME