A (very brief) coffee time.
Thursday, July 19, 2018.
2) Things don’t always go as planned.
I asked this lady if I could take a picture of her tote bag.
She said yes, then turned to say something nice to me.
Her companion was turning the other way. And knocked into her.
She spilled her drink all over and got mad.
3) People want to know where is #QAnon. And so now they are substituting #5thAveAnon. I also see this morning, from @SaRaAshcraft a gruesome theory about Chester Bennington’s death that I actually think may be true.
Look at all this.
4) @NewYorker runs a cartoon of the President splayed facedown at the bottom of a flight of stairs, or maybe an escalator. An art gallery shows him getting killed, God forbid. Yet another exhibit is set up so people can punch a lookalike doll.
All of this is sick.
5) The people in London are surely embarrassed at @SadiqKhan and his dumb balloon of our President. I am curious why Mr. Khan doesn’t address the issue of radical Islamic terror in the UK.
Surely our President is not his focus.
6) We are at the point of total blabbering idiocy now such that a bunch of socialist Democrats are disgracing their own party. How you can call @ICEgov “terrorists,” or run for office/attack Israel/say you don’t know much about it ALL AT THE SAME TIME, is beyond me.
7) The level of insanity in DC has reached proportions never before seen. You have evidence upon evidence that the system was hopelessly broken. What if @POTUS had not won?
8) Maybe you’re triggered by his way of talking, I certainly get that. Maybe you have other criticisms, and maybe they’re true. But doesn’t it seem like the things he says are accurate?
9) I think we should all stop fighting now. And focus on justice.
10) We need to get our country back. All of us. For the good of all.
She talks about being a localization specialist because they're good at blackmail. That doesn't make any sense. Localization has to do with creating strategies that appeal to local populations. From a development perspective it is correlated with resilience. There is no magic.
In her words: "What I did was something called Localization or L-10N. So localization strategy is you find a group of people...you kind of try to get in their mind...you use that to your advantage...so if I wanna blackmail you...I will know your deepest, darkest fears"
"Sophie, 9 yo, has disclosed...domestic violence, sexual grooming, and most recently molestation/rape in her primary residence. Her father is fighting for her life while her abusers pull every resource to get their hands back on her." archive.is/M8A8q#selectio…
"The biological mother, according to Sophie, is a part of the sexual abuse and is encouraging it....We have been dealing with CPS, Law Enforcement, Lawyers, DFPS, Forensic interviews, and several doctors "