(2) Disclaimer: it's only fair that anyone reading this know, right away, that I'm pro-Israel, and that I strongly believe in its right to self-defense.
(5) The American peace team, led by Jared Kushner, has tried to reach out to the Palestinians, reminding them of the big prosperity opportunities that peace will bring.
(8) This is how they roll, now: Hamas terrorists attach flammable objects to kites, and send them flying over the border, hoping to randomly burn something - anything.
(12) Putting aside the monstrosity, from a purely practical point of view: how hard it must be to raise a falcon? Does it make any sense to sacrifice one to try to burn someone's grove?
(13) The fires are creating a growing sense of insecurity in the Israeli communities along the border. So the government ordered the IDF to put a stop to it.
(14) Thursday, the Israelis killed a Hamas terrorist engaging in the airborne arson attacks. Palestinians leaders got another martyr on the coffin, relatives screaming for revenge.
(18) I learned with the great @Thomas_Wictor that the strict Israeli rules of engagement require that every shot by the snipers be authorized by a competent officer.
(20) Now the IDF is considering a long, tough and destructive military campaign in the strip to completely cripple Hamas' capabilities. Something bigger than the 2014 war.
(26) So today, things were "relatively calm" in the strip, meaning there was "only" one fire caused by a Kite, and "only" two IDF tank attacks against Hamas targets.
(29) And IDF is still very concerned about the Gaza border. Unless Sisi's people can broker some unexpected solution, we may be seeing a surge of violence in the next days.
If Bolsonaro wins in the first round for president, the left will have been demolished.
#Electionday in #Brazil#GreatAwakening (2) Impeached former predisent Dilma, that miraculously got her political rights re-installed and searched a Senate seat in Minas Gerains, seems to have flopped and ended up in 4th place.
(3) In virtually all major state runs Exit Polls show a clear tilt to the right regarding what the previous fake polls showed. This leads me to expect Bolsonaro to attain 50%+ of votes and win the presidential race in the first round.
Today I voted on the most unapologetic conservative chandidates that I have in my entire life.
My candidate for president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, on the verge of being elected in this first round of voting is NUMBER 17. 👾
halfway through, he is on the brink of victory.
I have reason to believe that he will be just shy of victory in the first round, with some 48-49%. It will be a short but bloody battle until late October against the PT socialists and all the politically correct peeps.
STILL: a night of conservative FORCE around the country.
(2) We will read the Q drops to learn about the biggest judicial operation in history, both in scope and size. We will also notice how we Q folks are very well informed, and always ahead of the curve.
(3) We need two mindsets for this journey. The first is this: remember that 60% of #TheStorm is secret, and only 40% of the operation is happening in the open.
it's getting great! This is one of the most important Q quotes that informs our following of this HUGE and historical judicial effort that's going on since November.