I really didn't want to throw fuel on this fire but Kyle needs to be put on blast for this.
Starting a massive self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing campaign is precisely the opposite PR a pony convention should have.
Snitch taggers get blocked BTW
I've never been to EFNW. BUT I have worked as vendor staff for NMND. I was PROUD of the work we did. It's one of my happiest memories, because I answered the call to help out something I cared about.
Today I got bored and wondered what would the US look like if each state was a voronoi cell with each capitol as its centroid.
So of course I had to see it.
Couple of things: the US’ three largest cities have changed states. New York City is now in New Jersey, Los Angeles is in Arizona, and Chicago is in Wisconsin.
Other cities that have changed states include Philadelphia NJ, Charlotte SC, Memphis AR, San Diego AZ, St. Louis IL, Las Vegas AZ, Cincinnati KY, and Kansas City... well, KS.
One of the best/worst things about publicly identifying as a scientist on twitter is you get these little gems frequently in your mentions
Yah bro, this sounds totes legit
BTW I get these mentions all the time but they are not usually this aggressive
The usual pseudoscience spam post usually contains a link to some article written by the spammer, and they usually refer to themselves in the third person throughout. The hashtags are normal though.
Ever notice how support for the systematic disenfranchisement, exploitation, and harm to undocumented folks is always framed as "a public safety issue" but is never actually given context?
Now far be it from me to speculate as to why the context is assumed, but if I am to interpret this logically I am forced to presume the issue with "public safety" is tied to some quality undocumented folks are all presumed to possess.
Explicitly the only quality that can apply is their non-citizenship in the US. Implicitly, I can assume that quality is undocumented people are presumed to be nonwhite.
Can we talk for a moment about the idiocy of old white men from developed nations who try to lecture the rest of the world about overpopulation without once addressing how they could be the solution? independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-n…
Like seriously, fuck David Attenborough’s opinion here. It’s the apotheosis of colonial paternalism. I mean are we really going to blame the developing world for problems that are clearly traceable back to western colonialism?
We HAVE the resources to alleviate hunger, and poverty (if not eliminate it entirely) but nobody does anything about it because resources continue to be hoarded by a small few because “that’s just the way it is.”