Going into woodhull (I'm going to use woodhull and SFS interchangeably, deal with it), my expectations were kinda murky. I had this nebulous idea back in September of 2017 that I was going to Get Serious about wanting to interact with the #Blogsquad & write again.
See, a lifetime ago I wanted to be a writer. My 2nd longest car trip was from Davie, FL to Amherst, MA to do a college tour with my mom. It was this sweet, impromptu experience while I was being homeschooled that brought us closer and led to a seed of "what if I left Florida?"
It's hard to describe the energy of SFS if you've never been. @Dalekxmania offered to be my Con Sister but unfortunately we got separated on day 2 and I do feel bad about leaving her behind. Most of the con was spent with a smaller group, but meeting everyone was super chill.
I swear I cannot count how many times over I've multiplied the number of people I feel love for and from as a result of this experience. You have all been so incredibly welcoming and open and charming. I want to know/care/be with you all for years to come.
I've acknowledged (and shared!) things about myself, my trauma, my gender, my identity in this conference for the first time. I feel words starting to pour out of my head in a way that I haven't had since before my trauma. SFS, the workshops, the people, you have changed me.
I don't know how to thank you all properly, or thoroughly, or accurately. SO my thanks will be by writing, by joining this beautiful community, doing my best work, and living my best life because the gift you have given me is beyond words, because it is words.
So, back in the halcyon days of 2011, I had a partner, let's call them Mag. Mag and I were mid-coitus (listen I used halcyon now I'm using coitus just go with me, I paid for the 50 cent words and I'm gonna use them) and suddenly, without warning or negotiation, called me "Daddy"
I went from 60 to 0 in about 1 second. I had my clothes on before the sheets hit the floor. It's the only time outside of an assault that I've kicked someone out when we'd been hot and heavy only moments earlier.
In fact, cargo is treated better than I have been. In my last 3 flights, at least once at every stop, I have been overlooked by wheelchair assistance. At least once at every stop I have had to request a wheelchair attendant more than once.
At least once at every stop I have had to combine the luck of having a delta employee in shouting distance with that employee not being busy with other things in order to be able to move about the gate, whether to get food, drink water, or use the restroom. It is dehumanizing.
At least with my bags, I can find out where my bag is, looking in the app. With your accessibility services, I have gotten used to the cadence of how employees call for a wheelchair attendant, because it has to happen multiple times.