Thread: It’s a Crusade in the Truest and Best Sense
1. Okay, I’m going to “go there.” Enough of this PC bull-crap. The Crusades were fought between Christians and Muslims primarily during the 11th - 14th centuries for control of the Holy Land.
2. Yes, there were other crusades (so-named), but these were the main ones remembered and castigated by the secular Left today such that the word “crusade” is banned in (their) “polite company.” Pretty much like they condemn/ban/remove other Western historical references, too.
3. In thinking about the Donald J. Trump political phenomenon – and in particular his ongoing plan encapsulated in that most excellent slogan “Make America Great Again” – I would argue that he (and we) are embarked on a veritable Crusade ourselves.
4. And it might even be a holy one when one realizes that the secular Left promote a religion of their own – secularism – in opposition to the intentions of The Founders. Think I’m exaggerating? Try this article on for size:
5. [Yes, yes, I saw D’Souza’s documentary, “The Death of a Nation” today, and it got me all riled up.]
6. American patriots of all religions (less those of the jihadi persuasion) will “Make America Great Again.” And American Veterans of all services will be the backbone of this Crusade. And it is definitely a Crusade we are in. It just happens to be in our America, not overseas.
7. Over the last 50+ years, we have let the barbarians inside our “American gate of FREEDOM” for two reasons:
a. Our political class lost their way, and globalist interests captured them lock stock and barrel.
b. And we let it happen!
8. Why did Roman Empire fall? Why did Rome keep its military legions outside the city walls? While the Roman legions fought foreign wars, ROME decayed and eventually was sacked by the Gauls, Visigoth, Vandals, and Ostrogoths:…
9. Eerily similar to present-day America, isn’t it, what with perpetual war since 2001, and the ongoing decay manifested in internal rioting and a spate of articles about the “impending civil war in America,” ....
9A. "...steep declines in military readiness (thanks for nothing, Barack!), etc.…
10. Time for all American fighters (our military) to win the war(s) they have been engaged in for so long, defeat the enemy on our terms, and then come home and protect the “Mother Land” from invasion from within by.
11. As an aside, I've spent a lot of time in the Middle East and recognize the enemy. Radical Islam is the threat, and the jihadis are not bashful about telling the world what their agenda is.
12. Yes, I have some good friends who I think are good people, but since they will not stand up to the radicals, they are the problem and have told them so.
13. Many radical Muslims in the Middle East are bad, very evil people, but African Muslims are much worse. They will rape anything that moves and have no guilt and no heart. Both those continents remain in the Middle Ages. Violence is their way of life.
14. Interesting that Islamic countries of Saudi, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait have taken in ZERO of the so-called refugees/migrants flooding into Western countries. Must be some reason? Why should we continue to accept them as American citizens when they refuse to assimilate?
15. A Polish King - Jan III Sobieski – saved Europe by beating back the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Vienna of 1683:…
16. Check out today what’s happening today in Central Europe. Hungarian President Viktor Orbán is challenging EU migrant policy (and Germany in particular) by not accepting ME “migrants” and in fact building their own wall to keep them out of Hungary.…
17. Over in Europe, people are are saying that Poland + Hungary = the New Cradle Of Western Civilization. Let's hope they're not just the "forlorn hope" brigade!
18. So why is the American Left so adamant about open borders and in particular relocating radical Muslims within the US? We know statistically that they bring terrorism, murder, gang-rape, electoral fraud, anti-Semitic hatred and cost the tax-payers that is unaffordable
19. These are all downsides. To my liberal friend(s): what are the upsides? Can you give me any factual examples of the upsides which make up for all the catastrophic downsides? If not, then why is leftist America so driven on bringing a very real threat to our way of life?
20. May I say that it has nothing to do with compassion or an illegitimate diversity initiative and has everything to do with destroying our Judeo-Christian values and hard-earned American cultural institutions.
21. Entering a country isn't a "right;” it's a privilege decided by the host country (as is standard policy all over the world). Ask the Japanese about that. Seems tough, but we are not going to save America unless mass deportation of invaders & their anchors are removed!
22. Now the #MAGA revolution includes a key plank on border security, including #BuildTheWall and also strict enforcement of existing immigration laws, but I believe it needs to be extended to include strong incentives for assimilation and – failing that – self-deportation.
23. I have argued vociferously that “diversity” is a plague on the country & indeed is a Democrat/Left political tactic used to divide America. In reality, our true strength is our ability to assimilate people from all over the world – usually by the end of the second generation.
24. The Democrat Party has watered down assimilation over the years and pushed open borders as a mechanism to divide and exploit people for the crass purpose of political gain. Time to implement measures to maximize assimilation once again.
25. And in doing so, we will truly #MAGA , defeat the secular Left, and thwart their nefarious goals for the country. Let’s make it our Crusade - in the best and truest sense - as our Founders might have wished! ///The end.
Addendum. This is really great context! Thanks, Fondo!
1. Some time ago, @Sensimiola2 sent me a very kind note regarding threads, and I replied at length to explain my purpose in writing them – a sort of “Twitter raison d'être” for me.
2. In retrospect, that response is worth conveying to all followers, many of whom have replied positively to my threads since I started some months ago. It provides a sort of how and why for my threading and is presented as follows, plus as bit more at the end:
3. S2, thank you for your kind words! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to convey far more than the usual one-liners, which fact dovetails nicely with your sense of the decline of standards, especially in basic communications.
By Capt Joseph R. John, October 8, 2018: Op Ed # 405
1. The below listed article discuss the resistance and anarchy perpetrated by the New Socialist Democrat Party, Radical Leftists, the Socialist Party of America, and Anarchists, who threaten tranquility with cries for “Impeachment” of the US President, and a USSC Justice---
1A. ---“Impeachment” based only on allegations, with no corroborating evidence, is to “Bear False Witness”.
(1 of 4) Mini-Rant Time! The women of the Left – owners of the Kavanaugh debacle – all imagine they’ve been sexually assaulted – by Trump or his supporters. In their wildest fantasies! They wear vagina hats to their anti-male Misandry Rallies ---- *guffaw*.
(2 of 4) That’s the ticket. Celebrate your genitalia for the world to see the absurd hypocrisy of mobilized female hysteria in action. Western women are far too rich & coddled for their own good.
(3 of 4) Too much free time on their hands; too little invested in their actual livelihood and physical security. Imagine: they are 100% in favor of infanticide. And they were on display for all to see during the Kavanaugh confirmation process!
1. Three friends from the local congregation were asked, "When you're in your casket, and friends and congregation members are mourning over you, what would you like them to say?"
2. Artie said, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful husband, a fine spiritual leader, and a great family man."
3. Eugene commented, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in people's lives."
Thread: Why Do They Do It, and What Needs to be Done
1. Many people wonder why those working in federal agencies are involved in the crimes that we’ve only begun to see exposed in the DoJ, FBI, IRS, State Department, etc.
2. After all, giving one’s life towards “service to the country” is supposed to be a noble endeavor – or at least that’s what the political elite, legacy media megaphones, and others have been telling us for decades, isn’t it?
3. Except that, in the Age of Trump, we’re finding out that many of these people – especially those in the upper echelons of federal law enforcement agencies – aren’t as altruistic as we have been led to believe. In fact, many of them are down-right crooks!
Thread: What to Expect in for the Next Senate Confirmation Hearing for a Republican-appointed Supreme Court Nominee
1. Time to reflect on the Kavanaugh nomination process and look ahead to what might happen the next time around.
2. We’ve witnessed farce, perjury, witness tampering, conspiracy, violent protests, lack of personnel security in Senate office buildings, & obvious collusion between the @capitolpolice and the Dem Party in letting highly-paid protesters into hearing rooms, corridors & elevators.
3. And there are countless deranged calls for violence against Justice Kavanaugh and his family, as well as on Senate Republicans and their staffs, in social media and on legacy media TV networks (MSN-BS, most prominently).