๐จ๐ณWhen you're REALLY concerned
about RUSSIAN interference,
but employ a CHINESE SPY for 20 years #Spyeinstein#DianneFeinstein
Chinese Spy employed by Dianne Feinstein for 20 years was NOT a "driver" as she stated. Russell LEWE was an office manager who routinely met with Ambassadors. #MAGA#QAnon#Spyeinstein #Dobbs .@LouDobbs
1st time in history, President Trump is
-importing prescription drugs that do not violate
intellectual property rights & not under patent protections
(competition=lower costs)
-bringing negotiation & discounts to our #Medicare partners
50% of savings go back to the patients
3. President Trump explains how the "rich middle men"
are angry at him. He can't be bought.
He also explains how the #democrats are extremely happy
about this and have told him so personally (but wont tell you) #MAGA#KAG#BigPharma