2) You may have noticed that leaders and supporters of the #Qanon movement have come under increasing attack.
(It isn't necessary to send me links to posts or broadcasts from people who are attacking me.)
3) The strategy of the enemy isn't to discredit #Qanon.
It's to attack you, personally so you defend yourself.
When you do, you play into their hand.
This isn't about you.
It's about POTUS, Q & America. Eventually, they'll attack them and expose their true motives.
4) I prefer to ignore trolls, shills and haters.
I have no desire to force anyone to follow #Qanon
Arguments about Q are pointless.
And besides... there's too much work to be done.
5) The political pundits are about to learn a painful lesson. As they continue attacking #Qanon without doing research, and as Q is proven to be a reliable source of information, they're becoming less relevant.
6) #Qanon posted a list of articles and Twitter posts attacking @DevinNunes who is exposing corruption in Washinton D.C.
(This is part 1 of a 2-part post.)
7) This is part 2 of the list of articles and Twitter posts attacking @DevinNunes #Qanon
42) #Qanon often tells us that because the events we're watching are not random but rather, they're unfolding according to a well-planned script, it's like watching a movie.
44) #Qanon said the previews are over.
It's showtime.
45) #Qanon occasionally posts messages that are mostly abbreviations. That's the case with this post, which describes the people involved in the illegal surveillance of candidate Trump during #Spygate, which Q has renamed [SPY OP]
46) It may look like a mess, but it's a cohesive message that can be unraveled if you're patient and if you're willing to do a little research.
Two-letter abbreviations nearly always indicate people or nations. The context of the post indicates which is being discussed. #Qanon
47) Three letter abbreviations used by #Qanon nearly always indicate government agencies. The Centralized_intelligence_agencey is often misspelled or oddly configured to throw off Artificial Intelligence which scans for mentions of the agency.
48) Brackets [ ] have multiple uses in #Qanon posts. They can be used to set off individuals, agencies, numbers or phrases from the rest of a line of text.
47) But they can also indicate the level of danger a person or agency is in at the present time.
53) There are abbreviations that may have more than one possible decode.
[JB] could be James Baker or John Brennan but we know Brennan was C_IA Director.
[JC] could be James Comey or James Clapper but we know Clapper was Director of National Intelligence [DNI] #Qanon
53) This is what we get when we transpose the people and agencies into a graphic.
#Qanon uses [CLAS 1-5] or a similar arrangement to indicate unnamed [classified] people.
What about NSA play/reveal TT?
54) Consider this drop by #Qanon from November 1, 2017, suggesting that the NSA, under the direction of Admiral Rogers, recorded the Tarmac between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then intentionally hid the recording.
55) Worse, #Qanon suggested that the white hats confronted Obama, Lynch, Clinton and Comey with the fact that they had the Tarmac Tapes (TT) which forced Comey to reopen the email investigation just before the election.
(NSA - play/reveal TT)
56) Let's look at the next line of code which represents the Department of Justice involvement in #Spygate or #Spyop
57) Here's our decode for involvement in #Spygate by the Department of Justice.
Note: There are two [DL] entries.
(I'm not sure who the second one is.)
64) Here's the decode in graphic form.
As directors of their respective agencies, John Brennan and James Comey gathered information on the Trump campaign and leaked it to associates and the press. #Qanon
65) Intel Agency heads provided information for the President's daily brief (PDB). Obama's PDB went to more than 30 people. Included in the PDB was classified info on private citizens who were unmasked by Susan RIce. #Qanon theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/15/inv…
66) Now you know why Evelyn Farkas thought it critical for her colleagues to get as much information to the press as possible. They received intel and their job was to get it to the MSM to influence public opinion against Trump. #Qanon
67) Daniel Richman is an example of how the Intelligence Community put in place a system designed to leak classified information to the public. (Clever how the attorney-client privilege was concocted to prevent Richman from testifying against Comey) #Qanon thefederalist.com/2018/01/23/com…
68) Here's the next line of code provided by #Qanon
It describes the connections between people who created, paid for and distributed the opposition research that was used to spy on candidate Donald Trump.
70) Here's the graphic.
Washington Free Beacon contracted Fusion GPS to start oppo research but abandoned it.
Perkins Coie/DNC paid Fusion GPS to continue it.
Steele compiled the info and gave it to McCain.
McCain handed it off to the FBI. #Qanon
71) There has always been a suggestion that an unknown Republican paid for the initial anti-Trump research.
Trump says he knows who it was.
I suspect it was [No name]. #Qanon freebeacon.com/uncategorized/…
72) Here's the next line of code provided by #Qanon
73) Here's the decode.
It describes how American politicians and James Comey colluded with the UK government and it's intelligence service to illegally spy on candidate Trump.
Christopher Steele facilitated the transfer of information. #Qanon
74) Here's the graphic.
I included the two most recent Prime Ministers because #Spygate began in 2015 when Cameron was still at the helm. #Qanon
75) The final part of the #SPYOP post by #Qanon doesn't require decoding.
There were 4 meetings between team members.
The * denotes that Bill Clinton was a go-between for the meetings.
The Tarmac Meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch was the last of the 4 meetings.
76) During the Tarmac meeting, Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch updated each other on how the operation was going. Lynch assured him that Hillary would not be prosecuted. In exchange, Lynch would be given a Supreme Court nomination when Ruth Bader Ginsburg retired. #Qanon
76) Obama used 3 separate national security orders to protect the actions used in operation #Spygate
Trump can (and probably will) declassify it all. #Qanon
77) Corruption is being exposed and dealt with from the bottom of the affected agencies to the top. Lower-level players like Lisa Page are being used to gather incriminating evidence against higher level players Like James Comey & Loretta Lynch. #Qanon
78) Sufficient testimonies have been gathered that the process of removing/prosecuting corruption in FBI/DOJ is expanding quickly. #Qanon
79) Domestic spying on private citizens without a warrant is illegal. Surveillance of the Trump team had already begun but it had no basis. Obtaining FISA approval provided legal cover in the event that questions were asked about the basis for the surveillance. #Qanon
80) The C_IA has no charter to spy within the US (their domain is outside the US.) UK intelligence was used to circumvent US privacy laws and to feed info to the C_IA & John Brennan. #Qanon
81) Operation #Spygate was illegal but no one was going to know because Trump had zero chance of winning.
Hillary would win and all the dirt would be swept under the rug.
They never thought she would lose.
Now an outsider has all the evidence needed to prosecute them. #Qanon
82) It was nice of the President to summarize #Spygate for us.
If Sessions is really missing in action, who is exposing the corruption?
83) #Qanon responded to the coded SPY OP post with some follow up questions.
We know from previous posts that Paul Manafort and Carter Page were planted into the Trump campaign.
Were there other plants?
84) The MSM has focused on Paul Manafort and to a lesser degree, Rick Gates. Others who might be prosecuted are being ignored. Almost like the MSM wants us to focus on Manafort (a shiny object) because of his known connection to the Trump campaign. #Qanon
85) #Qanon asked:
"What if others 'placed' connect to….(future)"
More plants?
Looking forward to seeing how this one plays out.
86) #Qanon asked:
What if Nellie Orh previously worked on the FARM?
The C_IA has a covert training facility inside Camp Peary, Virginia known as "The Farm."
87) "The START (public justification to proceed (clean))."
Carter Page & Paul Manafort (because of their alleged Russian connections) once inserted into the campaign, were the public justification to start the surveillance of Candidate Trump, who was in fact, clean. #Qanon
88) If Jeff Sessions is missing in action, who is ordering the DOJ airplanes to visit Little Rock, Arkansas to retrieve boxes of documents? #Qanon truepundit.com/mystery-deepen…
89) #Qanon posted a meme about voter ID and a link to an article about California's push to remove Republicans in the midterm elections.
92) #Qaon informed us that the board was under heavy attack.
93) #Qanon confirmed that after the attack, his new tripcode was confirmed by the board owner and that his private board /PatriotsFight/ was not compromised.
94) #Qanon provided an update noting that three intelligence agencies were involved in the attack and they had locations on the attackers.
95) #Qanon sent this message. (Probably not intended for us)
2) Is it a coincidence that Democratic politicians are trying to impeach President Trump over alleged bad behavior with Ukraine when their own corrupt dealings with Ukraine are been exposed?
3) Q posted a link to a Wikileaks email between Hillary Clinton's campaign team discussing how to remove from the minds of the public the idea that she engaged in quid pro quo as Secretary of State (SoS).
Did you know that Ukraine was the biggest Clinton Foundation donor?
2) Q suggested Christine Ford may have been trained/programmed by the C_IA as a sleeper who could be activated at a strategic time and accuse a chosen target of sexual assault.
2) Heading toward the midterm elections, Q has often used the term Red October.
Lots of possible decodes (multiple meanings exist) but I believe presently, it simply refers to the red wave that is coming to DC.
3) Q posted links to a couple of tweets to give us a quick history lesson.