2) I've been a transcript team coordinator / editor for over 10 years, editing transcripts of whistle-blowers from inside the MIC (Military-Industrial Complex), each of whom had been authorized to release once-classified info.
So, I've been privy to a lot of good intel.
3) Part of the intel was that part of what took down the WTC towers was some sort of space-based energy weapon that turns solid objects into dust -- and THAT'S what you are seeing in those pics in the OP.
I cannot fathom how anyone can do the physically-harmful BDSM extremes, let alone raping/dominating anyone with no regard to others' free will.
I've lived long enough (58 yrs) to gain some wisdom.
@ThomasWictor@bizzykimmi@RealJamesWoods (2) One small nugget of wisdom is that the pains that others seek to inflict upon themselves or others is to match pains that they have internally.
Many times one's internal pain originates from one or several key incidents from when young, with no healing of those old wounds.
@ThomasWictor@bizzykimmi@RealJamesWoods (3) Those old wounds often, in turn, connect to deeper wounds that're carried over from other lifetimes. They're carried over because of no healing of those wounds in those lifetimes.
So, healing one's internal wounds is the MOST important task that one could do in ANY lifetime.
This requires a deeply-nuanced, complex answer, of which requires books to answer, let alone Twitter, but I can share some highlights.
This degradation started WELL BEFORE the '60s -- it started even before the ink dried on the Constitution.
2) The prime mover of the destruction of Western Civilization is the ILLoonynaughties, aka, Cabal.
They are real people with real names -- Rothschilds, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, etc -- with seriously-evil agendas that address multiple aspects of Western Societies.
3) This Cabal -- "Powers That Be" -- engendered their game plan centuries ago and carried it out very much along the lines of their Protocols that they established over the centuries.
There are TWO key aspects to the power of the Cabal:
"Adding to the credibility of the theory they were fleeing a threat is the fact that ...
I don't have an acct with Facebook, as it's controlled by the CI@.
I've personally known David for 18 years, and he's totally legit.
(2) Here are a few, selected quotes from David's Facebook post:
"There have been rumors about an alleged Alliance "visit" to the C!@, as in the form of a raid. Fulford posted 23 different things that an alleged insider told him had come out of this."
... "Anyway, thanks to Corey's help, we now have a new tranche of data that is ready for publication and seems authentic. There are actually four new sets I now need to integrate.
(1) Here's a list of 8 of 23 amazing, actionable intelligence that the Marines gained from their storming of the CIA headquarters a week ago. Link to the original source will be at the end of this list.
Semper Fi!
(2) ITEM 1: CIA headquarters has been raided, the FBI has been neutralized, and $35 trillion of U.S. Treasury embezzled funds have been recovered. About $100 trillion has been embezzled by the Bushs and the Clintons.
(3) "ITEM 2: President Donald Trump reopened the President John F. Kennedy assassination files and George H.W. Bush was behind it. JFK autopsy photographs were falsified."