Why am I sharing this in relation to @Caitoz's suspension?
Because like the outlets discussed in the article, Caitlin reports fairly and supportively regarding Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, as part of her overall rock-solid antiwar and anti-imperialist stance.
Yes, @Caitoz was most likely mass-reported by #Shareblue botnets specifically re: her opinions regarding #JohnMcCain.
However, it seems that this is part of an overall massive ramping up of offensive (as opposed to defensive/reactive) censorship by Shareblue etcetc.
Seeing all these voices muffled by the establishment since they gagged #Assange really drives home the point that the public is the enemy that the unelected power structure is waging psychological warfare against.
You might not think you are at war with anyone, but the 'deep state' - the militarized wing of the plutocratic class - is at war against you.
"How can we view the ongoing silence from within the confines of the Ecuadorian embassy as anything other than a political, enforced disappearance in the middle of a so-called free, liberal society?"
Although #Assange is isolated by the Ecuadorian government, it is overwhelmingly clear that as per the definition, #Ecuador is "acquiescing" to the desire of the US & UK governments.
This article is intended to highlight - through contrast with Cortez - why it is so critically important that the entire US - not only Floridians - throw the full weight of their support behind Canova's campaign in these last few weeks leading up to the November election.
"Canova’s campaign accepts no corporate funds whatsoever despite the fact that it faces one of the most overtly corrupt and powerful political figures in the country." Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is the former DNC Chairwoman at the heart of rigging the 2016 primary against Sanders"
"In view of the more recent work published by the #Forensicator regarding potential media collusion with #Guccifer2.0, we are inclined to revisit an interview given by #WikiLeaks Editor-In-Chief #JulianAssange in August of 2016.."
"The significance of revisiting #Assange’s statements is the degree to which his most significant claim is corroborated or paralleled by the #Forensicator’s analysis."