At least 60% imprisoned folks are Disabled. They are targeted for no/lowest wages and other discrimination: no access to ed, programs, services, info, mental/healthcare.
Exhibit A: One demand's to end to Prison Litigation Reform Act #PLRA
PLRA's behind Deaf/Disabled imprisoned folks not being able to get support fr attys. If you struggle w English/can't get through complaints, nothing can be done.
Literally every #PrisonStrike2018 demand helps disabled immprisoned folks even more than abled folks. Take a look at the demands for yourself (linked) & commit to daily posts, convos, teaching, etc. w/i your Commmnity.
The "I can do anything except..." framing in Disability/Deaf communities is ableist.
I know that very few want to admit or discuss this but it needs challenge, intense scrutiny & deep reflection and conversation. Not necessarily here but I hope folks are having these conversations cuz this is harmful.
It runs counter to Disability Rights, Disability Justice and Disability Solidarity precepts and praxis. It allows society to continue to believe that others who are unable to do some things are inherently lacking which contributes to systemic societal marginalization.