During the aftermath of the armed insurrection at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge it was revealed in court that the FBI was using paid informants to gather information about the militia men and RWNJs involved. #OregonStandoff
One of the paid informants was a woman referred to as ‘Mama Bear.’ Turns out she is former @GOP congressional candidate Terri Linnel. That’s right- @Rep_Hunter’s ‘12 primary challenger for #CA50!
In court, under oath Terri Lindell was asked how she was recruited into the FBI. Her answer may shock you...
When asked how she was recruited by the FBI, Terri Linnell said under oath, “at Occupy San Diego I met a leader of that movement named, Martha.”
@GothamGirlBlue@ElizabethDrewOH I’d like to share a 100% true story about @ElizabethDrewOH. Back in ‘02 I worked in a hotel where she stayed while visiting Portland, OR to give the keynote address to the Oregon Historical Society.
@GothamGirlBlue@ElizabethDrewOH Her reservation had some peculiar requests, including a bed board. Of course housekeeping had failed to honor this request so it fell to me to remake her bed with a giant piece of wood between the mattress and the sheets.
@GothamGirlBlue@ElizabethDrewOH Later that evening she called the front desk to complain about room service. Her problem? The kitchen refused to violate health codes by serving her raw hamburger. That’s right, she ordered raw meat.