In the meantime, here's a photograph tweeted by President Obama. Depicted is Rosa Parks, who fought to win equal accommodations rights for African Americans.
@mirandayaver Terrible, terrible. How could Trump confuse himself for John McCain? I mean, it would be like tweeting a photograph of yourself touring a political prisoner's former cell, right?
@mirandayaver Now, of course, @barackobama did know how to include a photo of the deceased in one of his honorifcal tweets. His tweet on the passing of Muhammed Ali proves that. But because you want to pretend that knowing how to pic the photo for your tweet is significant, here's Obama's:
@mirandayaver@BarackObama The fact is, in your ass-brained version of respect, you have to ignore the truly gauche and juvenile disrespect brigade that lives inside the toddler king @barackobama.
@MichelleObama knows exactly about what I speak, but for the forgetful, here's your photograph of the day:
@bexbexbex26@BFriedmanDC I assume that your avatar is an indication of your interest in the law, but I may be wrong. If you are an attorney, then you will be aware of the many presumptions that courts permit juries to invoke in resolving disputes.
@bexbexbex26@BFriedmanDC One such presumption is that an innocent person, when accused falsely of some act, will speak out, objecting to the false accusation. In fact, one's silence in face of such accusations is admissible evidence. Consider a case of vehicular homicide decided on the California SCT:
Like many of you, I followed the four days of hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States.
The Democrats in the Senate are unhinged. Their disgraceful conduct insures that future nomination proceedings will more likely be carnival sideshows of screeching protestors interspersed with Senators demanding to ask questions and refusing to allow answers w/out interruption.
Then, of course, there were individual standouts:
Sen. Booker is an ass that likes having attention paid to himself. Sen. Whitehouse is an ass that likes to accuse others of wrong-doing without evidence thereof. Sen. Feinstein is an ass that lies about abortion statistics.
@AlisonFrankel@NatashaBertrand@glennkirschner2 I can't answer with certainty, but I can imagine, based on working w/ Jay since 1988, and for him from 1989 until 2012 when was fired. In that period, Sekulow did not (a) do original research on legal issues we handled, first at CASE, then at ACLJ, (b) draft legal arguments.
@AlisonFrankel@NatashaBertrand@glennkirschner2 In fact, while teaching a course on Litigating Federal Civil Rights Claims, I was discussion the problem of plagiarism in legal writing, and the related problem of ghost-writing of legal products.
@AlisonFrankel@NatashaBertrand@glennkirschner2 One of my Regent University School of Law students interrupted to tell the story of Sekulow's Regent doctoral dissertation. He claimed that he researched and drafted the dissertation draft for Sekulow. Seemed entirely plausibe to me, Jay uses others to write ALL THE TIME.
Here's a letter to General Winfield Scott from Abraham Lincoln:
"To the Commanding General of the Arm of the United States
You are engaged in repressing an insurrection against the laws of the United States. If at any point on or in the vicinity of the military line, which now used between the City of Philadelphia and the City of Washington,
via Perryville, Annapolis City, and Annapolis Junction, you find resistance which renders it necessary to suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus for the public safety, you, personally or through the officer in command at the point where the resistance occurs,
@tribelaw "mourning a great man" while sitting next to her husband and the other sixth graders.
@tribelaw Notice that the flash nearly whitens #muhammedali into non-existence, and that the focus is sharpened on the baby king, @BarackObama:
@tribelaw@BarackObama Not that Obama ignored Mandela's imprisonment, just that he falsely equated himself with the political prisoner by having a photo of him behind the bars that once held Mandela in: