The day after this was revealed in the papers @MichaelSegalov (who apparently blocked me for pointing out his rather craven behaviour) said he should apologise nicely. Michael is not doing anyone any favours by his behaviour, @jeremycorbyn is a racist.… 2/n
A reaction carrying over July’s @peterWillsman#racist#LabourAntisemitism, Segalov is focussed on shuffling off the inconvenience:
“But the best chance we have of quelling this is for Corbyn himself to guide his supporters. He can’t be accused of being a traitor to himself. 3/n
Had you read the article you could see it was partly cut and pasted from another. #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles rumbled on. No serious person does this. He was taking the mick. Moreover, he released it at a time Jews would be starting Shabbat, it would not even reach them. 6/n
Interesting that @JeremyCorbyn was exposed on this day Friday 3rd August saying to Iraqis on one of their tv channels that Balfour was not wanted by Jews.… 9/n
Susana Mendonca, @BBCNews polItical correspondent saw that this was simply not enough and predicted a long sizzle for the #corbynAntisemitismOmnishambles row. “Expect this row to continue rumbling on through this long hot summer.”… 10/n
The incompetence of @jeremycorbyn in this row can now be revealed. He was advised not to try the article on Friday, but this is the #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles and bears his name because he has made it his own.
@JeremyCorbyn posted this pathetic video on Twitter just after midday to try to mitigate the #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles but of course it wasn’t going to go away, because his chums were busy persecuting @margarethodge against wiser counsel.
Then, that Monday, 6th August 2018, @JennieGenSec wrote to @margarethodge to close the trumped-up disciplinary. There was a to-and-fro on Twitter cod Formby mendaciously claimed thatDame Margaret had apologised. She hadn’t.
Wow, at this point I shall pause for some real life. But I’ve only covered one week of this #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles row and it’s exhausting. I’ll try to get to 15th August on this thread by Shabbat. 18/n
Ok just a brief bit of light entertainment.
This poem from the C18th about a man who was so poisonous and hypocritical that a dog died when it bit him. Note where he lives. 19/n
Hello, I’m now going to detail another couple of days’ #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles: having reached the end of 6th August Dame @margarethodge tweeted as below. Corbyn’s team ineptly tried to make it look like apology. 24/n
Aimed at Director General Mark Thompson ((jewish f-in-law) and Corbyn was on @PressTV the slavish mouthpiece of #Iran’s nasty Islamist regime. The recording was from 2011 and appears directly to contravene IHRA which says its #Antisemitic to say Israel has no right to exist. 26/n
Meanwhile Dame @margarethodge and @IanAustinMP caused a stir because of what they said was an attempt by the leadership to gag @ukLabour MPs. Dame Margaret said @JeremyCorbyn wants to purge the party of dissent. 27/n
Also 7th August @IanAustinMP , like his colleague Dame @MargaretHodge published his lawyers’ letter to Labour. To date they have but yet dropped this foolish bullying approach, but that’s #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles for you. Lawyer letter later. 28/n
@jeremycorbyn however was not listening. With his characteristic tin ear he decided today was the day to condemn *both sides* in Venezuela, where the increasingly violent autocratic Madurai regime has reduced the country to poverty.… 29/n
Also today - the UK delegation to IHRA intervened to confirm that the examples are integral to the definition.
Corbyn’s supporters were quick to try to minimise this. 30/n
Hey look guys, these are @UKLabour@JeremyCorbyn’s “friends” in Gaza. You know, the people we Jews should be embracing. Cos they’re so very peaceful and open to cups of tea and discussions. 1/5
@UKLabour became the Party of Palestine because it’s such a central and major issue: it has to be sorted out. That’s the claim. Our sin is it’s all our British fault. Jews are colonialists. Broke out the flags at the Party Conference this September.… 2/5
Palestine, this burning issue that enflames the Middle East, is (say @UKLabour)more important than British issues such as the NHS, poverty, and Education. This must be the first time a foreign flag was fered at Labour Conference.
This gesture misses a major fact \/ \/ \/ 3/5
Spot the difference: @Conservatives at their Conference promise the Jewish community their constant support. Soon to be banned: Iranian sponsored Hizbollah’s Al-Quds March. The Tories promote @TheIHRA definition of #Antisemitism and are true allies of #Jews in the #Uk 1/4
Ben is not Jewish but he’s decided to respond to @jk_rowling using his Jewish heritage and at the same time lying about what happens in the Middle East. I’m going to post My analysis if Ben’s posts as a thread, since this is the kind of nonsense giving #LabourAntisemitism cover
From his surname, Ben is clearly the son of an Israeli man and a British non-Jewish woman. I’m assuming the latter, from Ben’s comment it seems that this is most likely; I’m sure he’ll correct me, should I be wrong. This is not a judgement of him, but an attempt to elucidate.
Here’s the second tweet. Racism against Ben cos he was born in Israel, classic #Antisemitism. Disgusting.
Ben uses this as his credentials. This tweet says “this is real antisemitism”, setting up the rest of this thread for credible abuse of his status.
It’s 5 months and a half since the first demonstration of the Jewish Community against @jeremycorbyn’s obvious antisemitism. How is it going?
This thread is a position document referencing #CorbynAntisemitismOmnishsmbles in @UKLabour
Corbyn has been outed as an obvious antisemite, sneering at Jews, laying a wreath on the grave of a Jew-killer, supporting a 9/11 conspiracist, calling Jew-killers brother and pedalling Israel conspiracy theories on @PressTV#CorbynAntisemitismOmnishambles 2/12
This troll of a union rep @EddieDempsey went on Sky to slag off @rabbisacks for being extreme right wing. He’s with the RMT, Rail Maritime and Transport Union. I wouldn’t trust him to drive a train on the tracks.
That this racist thug thought that this was any kind of response is shocking. To the great consternation of my community we have seen the Leader of the Opposition outed as an antisemite. Yet all these supposed anti-racists in @UKLabour shout us down because alleged Tory slurs.2/9
They have such a tribal Manichaean view of this that if anyone not if their precise political shade calls foul against one of their troopers, they shout about their politics, bring in Israel and scream smear - anything but deal with the problem raised. 3/9
He’s merely a symptom of a mindset. It’s a peculiar infection of Far Left.
In this thread we shall be examining the nexus of racism and hypocrisy that allows people to trumpet their own alleged anti racism whilst being utterly racist.
Let’s start with @johnmcdonnellMP. He’s Jeremy’s comrade. But he joined with Jeremy to try to change @HMD_UK to be renamed “Genocide Memorial Day” in 2011. He hasn’t repudiated this idea, nor havevthe others who did it.… 2/6
This was prompted by International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, who pedal the conspiracy theory that Jews gain from Holocaust Memorial. They imply that HMD is about separating the Nazi genocide from humanity. No, HMD explicitly includes all genocides.… 3/6